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Chapter: 73.

With one hand he reached for his face and pulled the gag off, tossing it aside, he let his lover's flesh free. He wasn't going to last long and his own dick was starting to throb in jealousy of the fun his mouth was having. It demanded to be fed too. Louis lifted Danny's legs to raise his cute butt. Leaning in, he slid his tongue over the crack before savoring the pink entrance. Danny shivered and moaned in ecstasy demanding for more. Sweat broke out from every pore, the second their hands began to heat up, those marks were starting to do what they did the first time, passing energy with every little sensation they felt into the other's soul, it drove them wild. Louis couldn't wait anymore, he pulled his tongue out and replaced it with a finger, causing a ripple throughout Danny's body and he cried louder, moaning and writhing on the bed, he fought to free his hands from its bond as he longed to touch Louis, the fact that he couldn't add to aid his feelings.

"Please, my love, now, I'm ready, take me, please!" He panted breathlessly.

Louis released him and laid back in a reclining position against the bedhead to see what he would do. Danny scrambled up, his pretty face earnest, and climbed right onto him. Facing each other in this position, Louis smirk, Danny looked more radiant, more beautiful. He wanted to lock him away from the world, nobody should see this beauty except him. He helped Danny by spreading his ass cheeks wide and he proceeded to impale himself on his raging hard-on. Louis bit his lip, cutting off an expletive. Danny kissed him, bouncing on his lap. Louis reached down and stroked him, applying just enough pressure to get his juices flowing more abundantly.

"God, you're so fucking sexy, I feel madly jealous that others get to even see your face." He growled possessively.

Danny smiled and kissed him again. "But, no one, nobody would ever see this face," he whispered, referring to how he looked that very moment. Louis gulped, Danny looked like pure sin, riding him like that, lips parted in wanton moans ripping from within, tongue darting out a little slightly, eyes wet and bled...

Louis reached a finger to brush over Danny's face, wiping tears from the corners of his eyes.

Only he gets to see this Danny.

No one else.


Danny threw his head back with a gasp, his body tight. Louis smiled, his baby looked as if he was going to go off any minute. He looked like he could hardly control himself anymore. The sounds he was making drove Louis's senses wild and he drowned in every sweet sound dripping from his lover's lips, and he reciprocated with constant growls, grunts, and groans, each sound he made sends a ripple down his lover's spine and he shudders every single time he groaned.

"Mmmm. Looks like my soul got his wish." Louis's wicked smile died a quick death when his anal muscles clamped down on his throbbing cock, almost making him blow his load before Danny.

Naughty boy!

He heard him giggle in his mind and Louis groaned. The boy began to gasp yet again.

"Forgetting to breathe again, huh." He asked and Danny blew air from his mouth and nose, he fell into Louis's shoulder and Louis used that opportunity to suck on his tender neck, Danny yelped and cried out when he bit into his neck, Louis ignored him, keeping his teeth locked to that neck, he reached for Danny's cheeks, slapping them a few times, Danny lost control, his fingers grabbed unto Louis's back and he drew lines on his back, it was painful and Louis loved it.

He did it again, and again until he smelt blood. Louis captured his mouth and kissed him senseless, draining air from his lover's lungs until he cried out through their minds.

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