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Chapter. 19.

Having remembered their tryst from last night, it only made sense why his body felt as if it was trying to move in his sleep without his permission. As painful as it felt to move his body, Dylon tried to get out of bed.

What about the sleeping pills he had downed? His eyes sought after the empty bottle but couldn't find it. 

Was that also part of his imagination?

It couldn't have been.

Only when he had managed to stand upright had he noticed he was naked, he had dried cum stuck on his stomach and thighs, he didn't panic at the sight as it was oftentimes the case with his wet dreams but his shock only intensified when he felt something slipping from between his cheeks which by the way felt too clammy and too sore to have been fucked from just a dream. 

"What the~" he started, as he scurried away into the bathroom, more of Louis's cum slipped from inside of him. 

Why was he leaking cum? 

This hasn't happened before?

It was at this time he began to question these bizarre dreams and what they tend to leave in their aftermath.

Last night seemed more vivid and more real than the many he's ever had before.

It was almost as if it wasn't a dream at all.

Dylon cleaned himself up, he needed to talk with his father. Ever since he learned he was Danny it also didn't go past his knowledge that he had been reborn by his own son. 

It was too much emotion if he thought about it and so he had tried not to think about it or consider telling his father about it. 

How would his father feel?

He didn't know how to feel about it initially but after that accident and his vivid dream from last night, he had to talk with his family. He must speak to someone or he might just go insane.


"Dylon!" His sister yelled angrily from his locked door. Dylon was ready so he had simply unlocked and stepped out the door to find his sister staring at him with that expression on her face that often frightens him. He never could tell what would happen to him whenever she looked at him like that. "Did you know Levon was in a car accident yesterday?" She asked, eyes piercing into those of her brother's suspiciously. "You left the school with him and mom said you came home and didn't even say a word to her then you went and locked yourself up in your room the entire day." She wouldn't stop talking even as Dylon ignored her and went in search of his father. 

"How did you know he was in an accident?" Dylon inquired.

"Vera got the call." She replied nonchalantly.

"From whom?" 

"Who cares?!" She yelled irritatedly as it wasn't what she wanted to talk to him about. "What I do care about is, you left with him, he got into an accident you didn't. What the hell happened?" She demanded blocking his exits thus stopping him from moving any further. 

"We got into an argument and got out of his car at some point, then I proceeded to say all kinds of stupid shit until I've made sure I left his heart in shreds even then I wouldn't stop!" He was near tears but he wasn't going to cry before his sister. "Now get out of my way, I need to find Dad." 

"No, you don't." She prevented his move once again.

"What do you want from me, Draya?" He sounded desperate. 

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