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Chapter: 75.

"Then you pushed her."

"Look, stop making me feel guilty okay," the girl snapped, coming down memory lane. It wasn't a pleasant day, although she hadn't plotted she was going to commit her first murder that day but things happen and the girl is dead, gone, and forgotten. "She's dead and gone now, no matter how many times you make me talk about this, she is never going to come back, and you aren't so innocent yourself, you knew I wanted Dylon and you helped gave him up for me to capture just as you gave up his location so my boys would have Louis shot, so you're in this as much as I am, don't make me feel guilty because we are in this together." 

"You know I hate you for what you did to him." The boy snarled, she turned back facing him and for a moment there she didn't recognize the boy she saw. 

"Did Dylon know you had a location tracker installed into his phone?"

The boy hissed but didn't reply.

"He must have considered you a great friend, maybe even brother but you're nothing but a wolf in sheep's clothing. Just like me."

"I am nothing like you, Vera, and I hate you so much for allowing your boys to beat him up like that." The glares he shot at the girl threw her off balance a bit and she grew wary of him.

"Dal, what is wrong with you? Why do you look at me like that?" She backed away from him only to bump into her car instead. 

"You said you only wanted to keep him locked away so you can lure Levon to yourself, and because of that I gave away his weakness to you and you had to have your boys beat him up like that!" He approached her and fear gripped the girl rendering her immobile. "They stabbed him repeatedly, you have any idea how badly I want to strangle you right now."

"Hey. It's not my fault that happened, it's not like I had intended for my boys to beat him up or stab him-"

Dalton hissed and the girl paused again. 

"Why are you so bothered about this? As far as I know, you hated him, you sold him out, he was your friend, so why the sudden likeness. Is there something I'm missing?" She glared into his eyes and the boy backed away from her, averting eye contact. "Are you in love with him? Is that why you wanted Levon out of the way too? You are in love with your best friend!" She yelled and began to laugh annoyingly.

"You know what? I'm out of here!" Dalton turned to get into his car. 

"Hey. You can't leave, come on baby, I missed you!" She whined but the boy ignored her pretentious whining and drove off. "Fuck you! You know I wouldn't be this much of a mess if you had paid more attention to me!" She stomped her feet a few times and jumped into her car. "I'll get you for this!" She cussed, driving away herself. She thought they were going to have a good time, she thought he finally realized she wanted him but she was wrong. 

What was the purpose of this meeting anyway?

They didn't even talk about anything they hadn't talked about a million times before. Maybe she had driven him away with her love accusation.

The fool. 

He's in love with his best friend, how pathetic. She wants Dylon for herself as well so he is going to have to go through her to get him.

No wonder he hates her all of a sudden.

They were both after the same thing.



Dalton drove into the dark garage and got out just as the garage door slid shut, engulfed in total darkness but he wasn't afraid as he stood there waiting. A single light bulb came on shortly after and a big muscular man emerged from the corner, wearing ragged torn jeans on a short sleeve jean jacket which he hadn't bothered buttoning.

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