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Chapter. 56.

"I believe I asked a question?!"

"Sorry, babe, but Luka here got way too excited for his own good." One of the idiots defended but she was done with them as she heard a soft coughing sound coming from the lifeless body. Denis had done a good job at bandaging his limbs but the cut marks on his torso remained unattended; perhaps he ran out of rags to seal that area. She noticed he had also freed him from his restraint, her eyes traced Dylon's wrists and ankles and she winced when she saw the red marks forming on those areas the chain had held so tightly. Denis has done well by removing the chains. Her eyes wandered about and she saw the discarded empty bottle not too far from the door and she hissed. Blinded by her hate of what Dylon had done to her, she didn't see just how badly she was hurting the one boy she wanted to protect but it couldn't possibly be entirely her fault. That idiot was back and because of him, Dylon would never be hers.

And if she can't have him, no one else will.

"Look at all this mess!" She glared around the floor with the bloodstains. "Who is going to clean up this mess? You weren't supposed to leave any traces, you dumbass." She heard that cough again and when she looked at Dylon, the boy was starting to move slightly. Squinting her eyes she stared at him and watched him try to move weak bleeding legs and she couldn't help but smile when he recoiled acknowledging how badly bruised he was. 

Serves him right. 

She thought with a little snicker and the batting of her eyelashes. 

He had better start learning who he truly belongs to.

Who owned him first?

"Put a bag over his head. I don't want him seeing me just yet." She instructed and immediately they threw a bag over his head, blinding him.


Dylon tried to move again but hissed in pain from all the sudden ache shooting across his body. He felt numb from the waist down and he wondered what they had done to him. He was disoriented and his brain was dead somewhere at the back of his head. For a moment there he had actually thought he heard voices but it seemed a lot faded to be near him. He was in so much pain he felt bile raising at the back of his throat. He was going to throw up, and it didn't help that he could taste blood in his mouth. It was as if he had bitten his tongue or something and that made him retch but he soon regretted his actions when he found his face was completely covered with a bag and he was soon breathing his own vomit as well as trying not to get it into his eyes or even inhale or swallow it. 

It was the worst kind of situation he's ever found himself in and at that moment he wanted death. 

He wanted the grounds to open up and swallow him whole. 

Nobody should have to go through this and for what? His memory was blurred and all fuzzy and he couldn't remember what had happened the last hour. He was starting to question where he was and how he had gotten there, he couldn't remember anything but one thing was certain he was in so much pain.

It didn't make sense. 

The images from a little while ago came flashing at the back of his mind, remembering the many merciless boots with some sort of spikes stabbing into his ribs while they kicked into his ribcage and the knife stabbing repeatedly into his thighs and legs, it stung like thousand of needles and he wanted to die from the pain. They kicked and stabbed until he passed out then they had stopped. Using the last of his energy he had willed his strength, pain, and ache to his soulmate and hoped he felt his suffering and came to rescue him before they murdered him.

But Louis was nowhere to be found and he could feel Louis drifting farther away from him the longer he stayed unconscious. Maybe he stopped feeding into Louis's mind at some point or when he had fainted and if that were to be the case then Louis would not be able to find him, not now, not when he is still in this miserable state and not when he couldn't even breathe from lack of oxygen because his vomit was all over his face. 

He remembered fighting Louis from taking his pain from before, no wonder he suddenly felt like death all over again. It was obvious he had succeeded and in the process pushed Louis farther away from finding him. 

Why had he even done that?

Either way, Louis would not stop fighting to get back with his soul and he needed to get his mind in order so he could reconnect with his lover. 

"Take the bag off his face!" She ordered and without warning the bag was yanked away from his face which made his predicament much worse as he got drenched from the head down with his own spew. "Disgusting!" He heard that voice yell in pure disdain but he couldn't see who had spoken nor even make out what they sound like, his eyes were clamped shut, even he didn't want to open his eyes since it would get the disgusting bile into his eyes and he didn't even want to breathe although it was starting to be very difficult as his lungs were starting to hurt from lack of oxygen. 

He might as well collapse again at this point.

"Someone get water and throw it on him, he reeks!" She ordered and one of the men walked into the kitchen to retrieve a bucket of water, returning to the room he turned the entire bucket onto Dylon's head, the boy was grateful that he could breathe again and more so open his eyes but he couldn't help the cold air which accompanied the cold water, a violent shiver shook his entire body and he gritted his teeth. 

He felt frozen for a second, completely out of this world from the cold. 

It didn't help that he had open wounds all over his torso and cold water had gotten into them. The boy shivered uncontrollably. 

Couldn't they have just killed him at once and ended his misery?

Why let him suffer this way?

"P-Please…" he found himself begging and for what, he had no idea. He just wanted an end to it all, anything that would stop this pain, this cold. 

"Johnny -" the girl started, facing the boy she had just called. "Grab my phone and dial Doctor Ferguson, tell him his attention is needed by the Fall, he'll know what that means." The boy nodded and rushed out of the room. "Luka, you did this badly harm to his body so you'll be staying in the cold room filling the bathtub with ice!" She scolded and the man groaned but nodded and went anyway. "Kulter-" she asked, meeting the dark-haired boy with dark brown eyes and she smiled when he winked and smirked her way. "Hope you locked the prisoner up nicely, don't want any more mistakes happening?" 

"Yes, Miss, V, we did." The man assured her.

"Good, take Kota and go survey the perimeters, and tell Durkin to take the van back to base and return with the car, thank you." 

The man nodded and walked ahead with the last boy in the room. As soon as he made it to her, he whispered close to her ear. "I hope you'll be okay with this one?" She smiled and kissed him briefly on the lips. 

"Of course," they both snickered. "Look at him, he's practically paralyzed, no thanks to Luka the fool but, nothing to worry about here and I have got an even stronger weapon to keep him tamed as long as I please." She smacked his cheeks and the boy smiled with the shape of an 'o' formed on his pouty lips. "Now, get your fine ass outta here and oh, put a call through to that best-friend-betrayal and delete the evidence so the dweeb would stop crying." She told him with a wink and the boy nodded and exited the room.

Vera walked toward the end of the room and pulled out a chair, carrying it over to the boy lying in the pile of his own mess. She dumped the chair and sat on it, facing the breathless boy. 

Time to fix this baby up.


How crazy can one girl be, huh?

Oh, well, thanks for reading guys.

Have a wonderful Day/Night.

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