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Chapter. 54.

"I told you to take care of him but you went and messed it up, now see what you've gotten us both into!"

A female's loud voice tore through Dylon's beeping ears and he tried to open his eyes but it felt like too difficult a task. He simply just shut them once again and tried moving his limbs instead, they wouldn't budge and it didn't take too long to notice he was in restraint, chained to something so tightly he couldn't move. His hands locked above his head, they ached from staying that way too long.

How long has it even been since they captured him?

"Why did you insist we take him?" 

"Why not? He's mine and that idiot thinks he could take him away from me."

"Yours? How's he yours? Everyone knows he belongs with Levon!"

"Lies! All Lies!" She roared.

"Look, I did what you ask, I-I'm just gonna go--"

"You're not going anywhere until we are through here." The angry female screamed.


"No, you look here!" 

Dylon heard more feet stomping around, they got closer and his ears hurt from how loud the boots were. It's like whoever was moving into the room had metals stuck to their heels. It didn't sound right as it connected with the rough wooden floor.

"What is this? Who are these people?" Asked the now agitated accomplice, Dylon, still trying to get that voice, it sounded a lot familiar but with the thumping and metals, it was really hard to concentrate. 

"Time to teach that fool a little lesson." 

"No! Please don't!" The other boy yelled and Dylon shuffled around in fright and then he felt it, the first blow connected to his jaw, it burnt like hell, made his eyes sting, then water.  

"Alright, that's enough boys, we'll get back to this..." Metal shoes met woods once again as they cleared the space. "And you, one word, just one word from your stupid mouth and I'll be singing your secrets to the entire town." 

"Are we just gonna leave him here?" 

"None of your business, you're done here so you can leave first." She ushered him out and Dylon didn't miss the sniffling sound from the other person as he walked away. 

The sounds of heels against the wooden floor drew Dylon's attention as the heels approached him, in fright he scooted back until he was pressed against the wall. 

"Oh, poor baby, I told you, you're mine and if I can't have you, nobody else would." 

"Vera?" His voice was muffled by the gag placed over his mouth. "Why are you doing this?" He didn't even recognize his own voice but he hoped the psycho bitch heard him. 

"You left me for that boy, how dare you!" She smacked him hard across the face and Dylon hissed from the sting. "What do you expect, that I would let you both humiliate me like that!" 

"Please, let me go, Levon will find me soon and you wouldn't like it if he did."

"Levon this, Levon that... Levon, Levon, Levon! I'm sick and tired of hearing that name and you know what, I would much rather he found you dead than alive. You think I give a fuck what happens to me afterward?" She barked bitterly and Dylon could hear the hate dripping from her voice like venom. It filled him and Dylon couldn't help the poison spreading all over his body. 

He felt strange.

"You really are stupid. I get whoever I want whenever I want them and you, you have lasted well enough. I'll let my boys take care of you and don't worry about your dumb Levon finding me, I would be long gone and you dead before he gets to you." 

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