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Chapter. 32.

Once Dylon had settled beside him on the bed, Levon's hands began to roam over his body, holding his shoulder, bringing them closer, running down his back. While under the pristine white sheets he had made sure to cover them both up with, as their kiss grew more intense, a hand stroked his thigh; it felt good, and with an encouraging murmur, Dylon let the sensations take over. Levon's touch became so delicate now, ghosting along his legs still encased in restricting denim. It made him cry out for more, breaking their kiss only to gasp for air before sealing their mouths again.

Ever since he had woken up to find Danny by his side, even if he hadn't recognized him at first he had often felt this pull towards him whenever he was around which was all the time. The need to touch and be touched by the angel boy beside his bed grew with each passing day. He yearned for him and the closeness and warmth his body provides. After what Danny did the day before, it only aggravated his senses toward his soulmate and while his oblivious lover slept and dreamt about them, he had suffered from the images as they flashed through his mind. He was hurting less now since they both shared from his pain but he still needed to be careful or else he would rip his stitches right open but right now after that dream, he wanted to feel Danny in every way possible.

He hasn't touched his lover this way since he found him only in his dreams and now that he was touching him, he didn't want to stop and it doesn't matter whether they were at the hospital where anyone could walk in on them at any given moment. What mattered was the feels of him in his hand and his hunger to feel more, do more. 

Dylon's skin was warm and he trembled and shivered wantonly the more he explored his sensitive skin. Every touch he delivered to his lover's body drove him wild with intense need, needs that were restrained by the stitches he endured. 

God, he was going to fuck him into the bed if it wasn't for those damn stitches.

He was going to show him how much he makes him feel. 

How hard he was for him.

Holding his breath, he smoothed a hand over his lover's stomach, feeling the muscles under quiver. Then, on a greater dare, fell to massage the bare skin just above the waistband to jeans. Lust-glazed, cinnamon brown eyes opened, half-lidded, and narrowed just slightly in what looked like a plea before they fell shut again. Nearly frantic, Dylon stopped his crushing hold to unbutton his jeans. Then, just as desperate, his lips locked with Levon's, tongue darting out to rub against his; Levon groaned, bringing himself to sit up as carefully as he could, making sure he didn't tear a thing.

Dylon began to as well, "No, it's alright, My Beauty. Lie back, baby," Voice husky, he reluctantly parted their kiss, guiding the other to a half-sitting position, partly resting with Dylon's back against his chest. Hungry for more, Levon sifted through his lover's locks, uncovered an ear, and suckled on the lobe, pleased at the moan he caused.

"Mmm... it feels good, Louis!" Whispering, Dylon rocked his hips, ground himself back into his body while shrugging down his jeans, apparently caught up in the moment. It was a sudden fire, a desire for touch that Louis gladly rose to the occasion. His heart skipped a few beats, his head feeling light for a few seconds when Dylon found his hand and guided it down to his abdomen and past.

The trembling began again, and once more, his lover rocked back into his body, "Please, please, Louis! I like this, please show me a glimpse of heaven!" Those barely audible words had his own groin fill with heat, but this time was not for him. He couldn't do much himself at this state even if he wanted to. Nibbling the earlobe, Louis gave an affirmative sound, wrapping his fingers around the base of his lover's length and pumped gently. A shudder cascaded through his lover, his head tipping back, resting against his chest. His parted lips gasped, and with his free hand, Louis tipped his lover's face towards his and kissed fiercely. He let that hand fall to Dylon's chest, tweaking the hardened nubs, eliciting more moans and sounds of encouragement.

By the gods, Louis just knows how to work his body, from their past lives to their dreams and even now, in the present and what made it more intense was that for once in his life he was awake and Louis was touching him.

It felt good.

Too good he could cry from just how good his body feels. 

Consumed by the fire his lover sets his body on and he wantonly burns for him.

Nothing was frightening about how Louis touched him, only a need for satisfaction. Arching back, he let his head fall back upon his lover's shoulder, certain he was shaking. His bent legs shook as he tensed them, giving him leverage to press back against Louis's chest, abdomen.

The hand around his arousal began to stroke, starting right at the base before sliding up to the flared head. His breath was stolen from him, another rocking back had him feel faint. "It's alright, it's okay, just breathe... Lover." Nodding quickly, Dylon kicked away his jeans and boxers, freeing his ankles, allowing him to move. Biting his lower lip, he arched up into Louis's stroking hand, eyes closing, savoring this. How he moved against his lover, how Louis touched him, pressed against him tightly. They were allowed to, they were together till the end now. Gasping, Dylon's tearing eyes flickered open, his mouth fighting for air before he lost it in whimpers.

"My God, sweetheart..." Louis groaned at how sexy Danny sounded. Pressing kisses behind an ear, he quickened his hand, stroking in time to his lover's thrusts. Reaching lower with his free hand, he began to fondle the testicles, cup the soft sacs before pumping gently. Sliding back against Louis, Dylon stifled a sob and fell limp.

This was Louis, his soulmate, his protector, his lover, his best friend and he was pleasuring him, even with stitches and wires sticking out everywhere, he still craved him so much he would ignore his pain rather he made him feel so good. Blinking rapidly, he felt some of himself return, what he was able to grasp when half of him was missing, lost in bliss. He didn't even notice. Although he was partly glad, Dylon felt tears trickle down his face as he started to moan again. It felt good, what Louis was doing.

Grabbing at the sheets, head thrown back, Dylon gave a sharp cry as his release was ripped from him. The world went black for a few seconds before he returned, still slumped against Louis's chest, his softening length being pumped gently.

For a long moment, they just stayed that way. 


Their souls merging and their heartbeats in sync. Their senses of each other began to grow so much so they could nearly feel what the other felt. 

As one.

The door flung open without warning and both boys stared tiredly toward the door to find the doctor and their parents walking into the room.



Well, there you have it, guys.

Vote, comment and enjoy.

Until next time.

Take care.

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