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Chapter. 59.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Louis kicked on the dirty car tyre, he couldn't believe Danny was pushing him away. Once they made their last turn leading into the forest it almost seemed as if they were on the right part and soon he would be carrying Danny out of there, well so he had thought until their link broke. 

He wasn't going to let Danny do that so he pushed, forcefully repressing Danny's soul until he was feeling him once again, and for a while, it seemed Danny welcomed him, he shared his pain, took it all, but then he did it again and this time, he succeeded in breaking their souls apart completely. Louis was going crazy at this point. Confused, angry but mostly, he was terrified. 

He hates not knowing how Danny was feeling, he especially hates not feeling the beats of his heart against his soul.

It only meant one thing and he didn't want to think that deeply.

What would he do if he lost him again? 

Would he have to wait for him to be reborn once more or follow him even in death as he had once done before? Of course, the answer was the latter, he would die a thousand times over for Danny's sake. Life has no meaning..., made no sense if Danny wasn't a part of every little bit of it. They would go through life hardship and fall through fate's tumbling roads together, such is the promise their souls had made.

But, Danny has gone way too far this time. Severing their links and separating their souls. It was painful, it delivered the exact meaning to the word soul-crushing and Louis felt every little bit of it. 

Why would he be doing something so reckless?

Didn't he understand they needed each other at this point?

Louis paced endlessly, his legs which had regained their strength since Danny broke their souls apart, dug through dirt, his eyes wandered his surroundings, tears brimming within and threatening to escape, his beating heart erratic and hands trembling from missing the warmth of their connections. 


Frightened birds fluttered away as they took flight from the anguished cry which had suddenly left the boy's broken soul. He was feeling so much and nothing at the same time, it was painful, his heart ached, soul bled and yearned, his body helpless and still.

He felt nothing from Danny, the cold consuming his being was far too great he didn't want to consider it. 

Is he still alive?

A violent shudder shook his being and he hugged both arms around himself. He had no idea where that thought erupted from but it scared him more than anything, prompting his eyes to let free its painful streams and the boy slumped into the muddy earth.

JC whipped at his eyes from where he stood watching his great friend. He's only seen the boy broken this badly once too many times from their previous life and for once since he met him in this second birth, he had hoped he would find happiness, hoping this time, fate writes sometimes different on their special star but it seems even in this life, they still have to face obstacles, maybe one much worse than what they had left from before. 

Why run from it only to end up coming right back to it. 

One can never fully understand the mysteries of life.

Who was it that has caused this rift between their destiny yet again?

JC wondered, he longed to go over to the boy, to comfort him but what would he say that would lift his broken soul. Arthur gasped and JC glanced at the boy to see him pointing towards Louis. JC followed trembling fingers to see Louis punching a tree, the rough bark already imprinting scars into his knuckles and the blood they leave in their wake drove JC to sprint towards the boy. He quickly grabbed and pulled him away from the scene, his knuckles bleached and bled. 

Souls Entwined (He Is The One. My One ✔) Where stories live. Discover now