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Chapter. 43.

Danny had teased him, he lost his mind when he walked into the mansion early and the first thing that greeted his senses was the scent of his soulmate's arousal. With that burning desire he had made love to him but now, what they were doing seems a lot different, connecting with his soulmate after years of longing, after all, they've been through both in the past and present all of that made him want to sob with relief. He held back on the crying, favoring a kiss from his lover's mouth instead.

Above them came a clap of thunder and they both listened with a gasping smile. The rain came down harder that time, creating a literal storm of passion for the soulmates.

"Louis, I need… I need," Danny cried out and thrashed on the cold sheets. The restless curtains blew steady winds into the room, it almost looked as if the curtains were floating amidst the clouds. Bringing Danny's rear to his pelvis, Louis slid their glistening erections together.

“In me, please. Please, my soul! Oh, God!” Those words from his lips had Louis baring his teeth. The wind around them howled its victory with pride.

My soul.

"Mine," Louis claimed and Danny pulled his hair and growled. Without any need for further encouragement, Louis pressed the throbbing head of his penis to his lover's entrance and pushed.

Danny gasped in surprise but otherwise took his lover without anything but pleasure. Lean legs were wrapped low on Louis's hips as he pushed further into him. His dark eyes widened and the glow the moonlight made along his skin grew brighter. 

Louis's flesh filling his lover's warm channel, Danny's muscles expanding and contracting beneath his wet body, his eyes that burned for him, and the erotic combination of the powers their souls provoked, all of these he felt with every nerve in his body. 

It was all too much and he craved him almost violently.


The last thing Danny remembered was the flow of his lover's warm seed filling him beyond words and the electric ripple that had shocked him into a coma. Now he was back to another session of sensory overload. Need was a word well below the description of what he was feeling for Louis and the hard cock creating friction against his skin.

Their souls present and fed into their needs making him yearn for Louis in ways it seems almost like madness. It felt like that fresh warmth of a sunburn. The glorious summer sizzle on your back before you put your shirt back on; that feeling now lined his insides combined with the sensation of an out-of-the-blue shiver you got from head to toe. Danny needed something to cool him off. He was going to explode from how good this felt; how amazing Louis felt. He was completely wet from the fluids both their heated bodies provided. Louis was sliding them together, making him harder, and dripping his sweet goodness all over his chest and face. 

Even with the rain and the freezing breeze filling the room, their bodies still burned.

If he had thought the pleasure of Louis’s mouth and hands on him was incredible, nothing could have prepared him for letting go completely. Their souls crept out. He felt Louis's soul demanding entrance into his space and he opened up to him, breathing him in, letting the powers Louis's soul carried into him, touching his very core. Pulling and prodding deep with his soul. Their souls merged as one. The union of both souls had him crying out in ecstasy. If every cell and nerve in his body could have an orgasm then that was what was happening.

Danny knew he begged for Louis to fuck him. He heard his mindless screaming. But Louis was his soulmate and he didn’t care about anything other than his soulmate inside of him. 

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