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Chapter: 68.

"I should radio for backup just in ca--"

"No need, he said no one has been there all morning." 

"Hmm, it's like they are one step ahead." Arthur chipped in.

"She couldn't be that smart," JC muttered. "It's like someone tipped them off or something." The man thought hard.

"No, I think she only took Daddy's advice, only she had requested to see him one more time though," Arthur whispered to himself. 

"What's he talking about and what's the secret you had with Jones?" JC directed the question at Louis.

"Let's hear it, Arthur."

Arthur brought out a flash drive and inserted it into the car's space then from his computer played its content. Vera's voice immediately filled the car. They heard her communicating with her father, all they said to each other then they heard her arguing with her mother, and the last call she made to Luka that name filled Louis with resentment as a sudden emotion washed through him.

"My God, Louis, the genius!" JC's voice dripped with pride. "When did you two plan this?"

"After I took his computer last night. I typed some info for him and told him what to do before I returned it. Told him about her favorite club which she often visits. I asked him to go there and wait, find her and bug her somehow, the rest he did." Louis explained and JC stared at him in awe.

"Until now, you still never cease to amaze me, you know."

Louis smiled, "she's crazier than I thought." He seethed. "She knows Danny too." This had JC nearly missing his grip on the wheels.

"What?" He asked, focusing once again, his eyes caught Owen's car from the rearview mirror. "Could it be that she's Williams reincarnated?" 

"Yeah, that's what it seems, from what I heard and saw in the visions, it would appear so." Louis's voice trailed off into silence.

"You seem doubtful." 

"Yeah, something just doesn't sit very right." 

"Really?" JC asked again. "Like what? It seems like the perfect explanation, her obsession with Danny, you got shot and now this, only crazy Williams is capable of all this."

"I thought so too but my soul isn't entirely settled. Knowing this much should have calmed my soul if it was all the answers I needed but my soul is anything but calm." 

"First thing first, we will get Danny out and safe, then send a little letter of appreciation to the Mayor and then get more confession from his psycho daughter to enable us expose her, then we proceed with finding the boys they spoke off and that Luka too before he kills off that poor woman." 

"Yeah, we'll do that, I'll take time to find what's missing, once I've filled that void, I'll let you know what conclusion I come to."

"Told you she murdered my sister." Arthur blurted out and they turned to find the man seething in rage but also filled with a sense of relief, finally, he got a confession, not out of the horse's mouth but out of someone who is very close to her and he has proof to back it up this time. "I still can't believe she killed my sister over such a stupid matter… Jealousy" he fumed.

"She'll get what's coming to her," JC assured him. "I know just the right way to break the Mayor and this time, they both will drink from the same cup they measured for all those they've hurt."

"I still want to know how she got my sister to climb onto the roof with her fear of heights. Jenny Jean couldn't have willingly gone up there herself only if there is an undeniable reason for her to do so and since nothing showed on her body to prove she was dragged or forced it only meant she went there herself. Thinking that she worked directly into her own death." The man whispered, a few tears left his eyes and he sniffled softly. That part still seemed like a mystery one that didn't want to be uncovered. "It couldn't have been Denis, he was present at the class." He muttered yet again. "They said she had asked for a hall-pass to use the restroom but didn't return." What could he still be missing?

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