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Chapter Eight.

Dylon had felt like a zombie the entire day and only when he walked with his friends to the cafeteria had he acted like he was alive. He had also tried to avoid Levon who had made a circle of friends for himself from the football team. He heard he was really good but he hadn't bothered to go watch him play. Anything that would bring them close or make their eyes meet, he avoided and it was starting to drain the life source out of him.

Why was he stressing him so much?

Once they took their favorite spot and sat down with their trays of junk food in front of them, Dylon noticed from the corner of his eyes as Levon strolled into the room with five other members of the team, and they all talked loudly. The second their eyes connected, he averted his gaze and pinned them on the box of milk in his tray. 

This was stupid. 

Levon seems disappointed but he gave the boy his privacy and didn't talk to him but instead sat with his friends just a roll away from Dylon, he was facing the group so he could always keep an eye on Dylon but he was discreet as he wouldn't want to see him running away from him again.

It has become their favorite routine.

I get too close to you, you run away.

The thought almost had him rolling his eyes but mostly from the ache, he feels at the thought.


Maybe it was because Levon sat just across from him or maybe because he had remembered his dream from last night Dylon couldn't place a finger on it but he felt weird as all the blood on his face drained from a single thought prodding at his mind.

Is he aware of those dreams? Are they even dreams?

Kel and Dal noticed the change in attitude from their best friend and Keller couldn't help but notice it had all begun since the new kid arrived at their school but Dylon wasn't saying anything. 

He had practically locked them out completely and wouldn't share what was eating him up so intensely. 

The reason why he looked like a zombie from the walking dead at that very moment.

"Hey, Vera!" 

The sudden cheerful voice knocked Kel from his thoughts as he stared confused at his friend who was now addressing Miss Devil over there.

He was shocked.

Was Dalton seeing this too?

He chanced a glance the other boy's way and saw him gawking as the scene played out before them. The boy was as shocked as Keller was.

Dylon has gone crazy.

If he was talking to Miss Little Devil, then he really has gone nuts!

Both boys thought at the same time.


The surprised girl turned to stare at the boy who had called her attention. She's had a major crush on the boy for far too long but he's always avoided her like the plague. She made friends with his twin sister so she could always find herself at his home or near him yet he never looked her way. Heck, if she existed or breathed the same air he did, she could have sworn he had no idea or just didn't care. 

Why then was he calling her out of the blues?

She looked around her to be certain there weren't any other Veras around before she finally spoke. "Are you talking to me?" She asked, wanting to be certain she heard correctly. Was she still obsessed with her dreams so much so it has become a reality? The girl cautiously watched as the said boy smiled grandly while scooting over to make space for her to sit right beside him.

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