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Chapter. 48.

Pulling back, Louis's arms slipped around him, and his chin rested on Danny's head. "Lou!" Danny squeaked when he pushed him onto the ground and growled. With large hands, he ripped Danny's shirt from his torso, and the piece of material fluttered uselessly to the ground.

"No more, Danny..." he hissed. "You keep staring and thinking all those thoughts. Did you forget I could read and feel every breath you take? One more, and I might just fuck you right here for all to see."

With that said he dropped to his knees and climbed on top of Danny, "Can you feel me?" He breathed and pulled his lips to Danny's with a moan. He tasted like wine and God knows Danny wanted to be intoxicated by him, so he forced his tongue into Louis's mouth.

He needed him and he needed him now. Snaking his hand in between their bodies, Danny pulled on the waistbands of Louis's shorts, his hands grazing his ass in his crazed need.

"My Beauty..." Louis pulled off his mouth gasping, his eyes downright animalistic. He grinned, pulling Danny's hands off his backside and pinning them above his head.

"Please, Louis..." He shivered.

With a smirk glued on his face, Louis bent down to Danny's ear, "I think you can't handle me right now, so stop teasing me." He whispered. "We are not alone, they will wonder if they saw us like this."

"Let them wonder," Dylon stretched, trying to lure him in further.

Louis scanned his body.  "How am I to resist this, sweetheart?"

"You’re not." Danny bit his lip.  "Come here."

"What do I do with you," Louis murmured.

"You started this," Danny whispered into his mouth. "Remember, when you first kissed me..., you took me by surprise, captured me, and ever since I've been struck, spellbound by your heart and soul. You've owned me ever since. I can't escape and I don't want to escape." Danny snaked his tongue out slowly and softly licked Louis's lower lip, the boy shuddered from his lover's action clamping his eyes shut tightly.

His hands ran over Danny's smooth skin, his fingers splaying down his chest. Louis scooted back, wasting no time in reaching one hand into Danny's shorts and grabbing his dick, stroking it teasingly. "Look how hard you are for me," he whispered. "Since when have you been this hard, tell me!" He bit into his ear and Danny moaned loudly. "Shh!" Louis scanned their surroundings to check if people were around but so far they were alone. "No sound, I told you it's for only my ears." He growled and fisted his erection.

Danny arched off the ground, "Fuck! Louis! Oh, God."

"Will you stop teasing me now?" He twisted his fist, pulling his shaft up, tugging it in his grasp.

"N-Yes! Oh, God yes!" Danny almost screamed. 

"Good boy." Louis shot up on his feet and smiled down at his disheveled lover. "Time to go swimming, my love." He chuckled lightly when Danny groaned and turned away from him. "I'm not that cruel, I'll give you a moment to... you know!" Louis said, pointing to his lover's still obvious erection. He smirked and walked down the other way. 

"Fuck you…"

"Wouldn't you love that?" Louis teased and laughed when Danny grunted.

Slowly raising his head, he looked around the area to be certain he was alone. A little crowd had formed on a table nearby and he began to wonder how long they've been there and how much they've seen. 

He hissed at the thought and sat up slowly, he saw Keller and Dalton running over to him and remembering Dal and Vera together before, that seems to have driven his erection down and he grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head but soon noticed it was useless since that animal had ripped it in half. 

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