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Chapter. 63.

"No it's not, please stop saying that it is...," Danny cried. "That day, it is true that I looked for you and when I didn't find you, I went into my bedroom and walked in on Christie with Vince. It wasn't a sight I was prepared to see so it tore my heart into shreds, then she killed me when she told me about Mika. I went frantic then in my search for you, at some point I sought after my father, I decided against it and went after you instead then I overheard you and JC in the room...," his voice trailed off into a long silence which cut through their hearts.

"How much did you hear on that day?" Louis asked, afraid of what his answer would be, afraid he already knew what his answer would be.

"Every word," Danny muttered and Louis exhaled, his head hitting the woods as he let it fall. 

"I'm sorry." He whispered repeatedly.

"It was after I heard you and JC, that--that I went into my cabin and--and did that--"

"Shhh," Louis groaned as he turned and began to get on his knees until he was face to face with his crying lover.

"I was the selfish one, I didn't think about you, I didn't trust you enough, I shouldn't have done that but I did because at the time all I thought about was me... I'm sorry!" Danny sniffled and Louis got closer, making sure to not touch him as it was hopeless and it seemed to send shudders down Danny's form.

"It's alright, my Heart, I'm here now, I will get you out and I will make sure this never happens again. I won't let you out of my sight, I will keep you locked away from the world if I have to, I will protect you, just--just don't push me away, don't-- lock me out, it hurts more when you do that." 


"Williams?" Louis took the word right from his quivering lips and smirked when Danny gawked in return. "I know he came back as Vera, I heard your soul... Showed me everything. I know it all. I have seen it all."

"You---You did?" 

"Yes, my Heart, I did, I saw them do all this to you!" He pointed to his wounded parts and Danny choked on a sob. 

"I didn't want you to see or know all that." 

"I know, but it is what I should know about, so don't ever deny me from taking care of you, ever!" 

"Yes, Louis, I promise." Danny lunges at Louis for the second time and falls face-first into the wooden floor when he fails. "I'm sorry, I forgot." 

"It's okay, it's alright, sweetheart, I've got you, I've got us, let me handle it from here." Louis strengthened up, even if he was hurting terribly, he tried to put on a front for his lover. Danny was broken enough and seeing him in so much pain would agitate Danny more so he needed to shield his emotions and appear calm before his lover to make him relax. 

"How do you feel?" Danny referred to the pain he bore for him. 

Louis smiled a genuine heart-felt smile for his lover and Danny returned it, "I feel great again!" He assured and Danny nodded, believing every word. 

"Let me share when it gets too much, promise me?" Danny demanded and Louis nodded a yes. "I need you to say it."

"Yes, my love, I promise." Louis knew he wouldn't be doing that any time soon but no need to make him upset. He rose to his feet and for the first time since he walked into the room, his eyes noticed a bathtub filled with ice right at the end of the room, gritting his teeth he asked, voice cold and eyes emotionless. "Did he put you in there?" Danny nodded, eyes looking away from his lover to meet the bathtub of hell.

Remembering the cold sipping through open wounds and weak bones as Vera's voice echoed around him, yelling for her minions to dip him into the tub until he was coated in ice. She wanted to break him so he would lead Louis to them but he had resisted and until she noticed he was passing out she yelled for them to bring him out and toss him aside.

Louis physically flinched and Danny looked towards him to find the boy shaking in rage. 

"You saw all that?" He asked, and when Louis didn't answer he knew he had. Their souls have entwined once again so whatever he thought or remembered the other most definitely would see and feel. 

"I'll kill him!" He snapped and Danny winced from the tone of his voice. He sounded like a wild beast. "I'll fucking kill him!" 

"No, please, Lou, I don't want you to get in trouble, Louis, please, just get me out of here, that's all I want, please!" The boy whispered, then glanced down to the wooden floor. 

Louis laughed despairingly. "You know at first I started to feel guilty for what I had planned to do to Vera if she was behind this...," his laughter started again and Danny trembled at the boy he saw, he had never seen this Louis before. "Initially I was guilty of how badly I wanted to give her as much pain as she has given you. You know why?" He laughed again and Danny was too afraid to reply. "Because I considered her a lady..." His laughter escalated after that and Danny was afraid for both of them.

"She is, Lou," he whispered.

"No, he is not!" He snapped, causing Danny to flinch away from the coldness in his voice.

"Her soul may be that of Williams but her body is still Vera's!" 

"He is a coward, that's why he took that form, to masquerade himself easily in this world, to manipulate at will and not get hurt but he picked from the wrong basket just as he once did." 


"No, don't try, you can't help him, I will deliver." 

Danny inhales, giving in, he knew this Louis he saw was unreasonable so it would be a waste of time if he tried to persuade him to do otherwise, he would leave this discussion for when he could touch him, kiss him, reason with him.

"I'm sorry," he started again and this seemed to calm his lover as he was by his side instantly. 

"What for?" 

"For pushing you away, I didn't want you meeting Williams, he wanted you in his trap so he could hurt you. I was scared." 

"Shhh, I know my love, I'm not angry you did that, hell I'm not even mad at you at all. You did what I would have done if the case was reversed. It's okay, don't apologize. I'll get you out of here but this time, I need you to leave our souls linked, I can't make out this place on my own. I might forget when I wake up, so place, promise me you won't lock me out again."

"I promise."  

"I need to go, I will be back." Louis turned to leave but stopped when he heard Danny sniffling. 

"I want your hug, your kiss, please...," 

"Trust me, Danny?"

Danny gazed teary eyes into those of Louis and forced a smile. "I trust you." Louis was gone in a flash and Danny recoiled into himself on that wooden floor, his soul freed and sealed with his lover's.


Second chapter up!

Now, Louis is back!

Time to get this show started.

Vote, comments,, and enjoy, guys!

Love, Alpha.

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