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Chapter: 74.

"Hello, Mr. Mayor." 

The man looked up from his computer to find JC standing at his opened office door, his secretary beside him. The man frowned yet forced a smile. 

"JC, what an unpleasant surprise to have you at my doorstep this afternoon." He replied with gritted teeth. "Come on in, and thank you, Lorain, you're excused." He waved the lady off and she bowed quickly then shut the door. 

JC stepped into the large office space, walking casually towards the Mayor he sat right in front of him, he wasn't without a smile when he spoke again. "I know you don't want to see me here but I have got an urgent matter that needs to be attended to." 

"I didn't want to have you around since you came poking around my house the first time, JC, I should have you know that I hate when people get involved with my family and more so when they accuse my daughter wrongly." 

"I sincerely apologize if that is the assumption you have of me but my visit is absolutely harmless, well unless your daughter has something to hide and maybe you too." JC calmly returned and he didn't miss the frown on the man's face stiffened, his eyes held hatred towards him but he was calm, as calm as a soothing rain. 

"Are you accusing my daughter and I of something, JC?" 

"Oh, not at all, Mr. Mayor, please…"

"Then, in that case, I would have you take your leave now, remember what I told you before? Not until you have a shred of tangible evidence to back up your inadequate claims, you and I have nothing to discuss." 

"I do have a few items I would like you to take a look at if that's not a problem, Mr. Mayor." JC proceeded to reach into his satchel bag, retrieving a file containing his evidence as requested by the angry man seated opposite him and very calmly placed it closer to the man who glared at him in cruel hatred. 

"What is that?" He questioned, eyes lingering on the file. 

"Evidence as requested, Sir." 

"You-!" The man growled but stopped, he picked up the file and carelessly tore through it. In it were typed statements of who he truly was, his dirty lies, and the many gathered proof against his daughter, he didn't have to look any further as he knew the investigator was unto him this time. He had to think fast. This wasn't the time to get caught up in any of this mess, him becoming a senator was just a few weeks away and this was really bad for business.

"You're a really obedient dog aren't you?" The man laughed, mockingly but JC stilled, his breathing ragged but he tried to remain calm. "Cat got your tongue now, JC? I thought you were one to talk seeing that you've led the conversation since you walked into my office." Kingston returned the papers and pictures into the file and shoved them aside. "You seem to know how to follow orders well, don't you?" Again JC ignored him, he was trying so hard to control his emotions as he would love nothing more than to punch the mocking bastard square in the face. "So what if I had my name changed, I didn't want to be associated with the man who helped a friend commit many heinous crimes, including murder! Is it illegal now to have names changed, Mr. Investigator?" 

"This isn't all about the name change, Sir."

"You ungrateful son of a bitch. I let you into my city and this is how you repay me!" 

"I'm only doing my duty, Sir."

"Your duty? Pinning a murder on my daughter is your duty?!"

"That is not true, Sir."

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