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Chapter. 51.

Levon drove into his spot and parked, he checked his phone for another naughty text from his lover and when he didn't see any, he shut his phone screen off and walked into the building while fixing the phone into his pants pocket. Once he made it to the entrance, he smiled grandly at the first guard standing at the double doors. 

"Hey, how are you doing, here for JC." He told the man who smiled and ushered him in after he told him which way to go. Levon thanked the big guy and sought his way. 

He did find the right door and without warning, pushed and walked in. Startled, the man who seemed carried away staring at something on his laptop jumped and peeked up to find the boy walking into the room with confidence with each stride as if he owned the entire place. 

"Didn't you learn to knock, young man!" JC teased, getting on his feet and walking over to go hug the boy. 

Both men clasped strong arms around each other in a welcoming hug. 

"God, I've missed you, old boy." Levon's voice muffled in the other's shoulder while they still hugged.

"Not as much as I did you, brother." Pulling out of their hug, JC met his eyes and they both smiled. "You look great! I bet he is treating you nicely." JC winked, shoved him a bit, and went back to his chair. 

"He's about driving me bonkers, I can't think straight with his constant yearnings and my goodness, do I go crazy with cravings whenever he gets that way." 

"He is Danny..." JC declared, reminding Louis whom it was he talked about as if he forgot. 

"My Danny," Levon replied with a gruff voice, finding a chair and making his ass comfortable. "So, what is this thing you wanted me to look at?"

"I discovered that on the day you got hit, Vera and Dalton went out of the school but they had a really strong alibi who said they were at his restaurant grabbing ice cream and even provided a video recording of that day but other than that, I have a new intern, he's charming with the most brilliant smile I had ever in my life seen..." 

"Whoa, slow down, old boy," Levon stopped the man from wandering, he could already tell he was close to daydreaming that very moment.

"What?" JC laughed. "Why ruin my moment?" 

"I haven't heard you mention anything about a lover." Levon met his eyes with a questioning look.

"I've been married three times--" 


"I know, I gave up after the last one walked out on me." The man didn't seem entirely pleased as the memories weren't pretty. "It's always for the dumbest reasons." 

"Sorry man, I suppose these things happen." 

"Well, not all of us are fated with soulmates like yourself." 

"Aha, lucky me..." Levon said with a roll of his eyes. "Don't talk about it if you don't want to. I get it." 

"Thank you," the man breathed out. "You always know how to get me." 

"So, about the ones who wanted me dead?" Levon started, taking them back to the previous discussion.

"Yeah, I think since you're out of school for a while, that we could do what we often do best. We are such a great team together, I get things a lot faster with you around." 

"Don't flatter me, look at what you've accomplished for yourself all these years, you're as best without me as you were with me." Levon disagreed. 

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