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Chapter. 52.

She was only five and she had fallen off her little cute pink bike and twisted her ankle, he took care of her and when she wouldn't stop crying from the pain he had given her his pinky and made her promise she'll be his strong lady, they both shook pinky after she made her promise and whenever he was having a hard time, she was always there with her pinky to remind him of her promise.

"I'm so proud of you, JJ" His eyes beamed with pride as he uttered those words.

"And that is all that would ever matter to me." It was true, only what they thought of each other mattered. Their parents were more busy chasing faces than caring about their kids, no wonder their grandparents took MaryAnn away since she was four and the girl hasn't returned home ever since.

"So, tell me, were you doing your homework, do you need any help?" Her eyes dimmed as if the light had just been snuffed out of them and that worried the boy just immediately. "What is it, baby?" He asked, noticing something was very wrong.

"I have a boyfriend." She told him. They never kept any secrets from each other, it was the way they've dealt with stress and life.

Share with me and I shall carry it along with you, it makes your load a lot lighter.

He had told her that, the day he found her seated all alone in the living room sofa. Her spaced-out eyes wandered the ceilings endlessly and when he couldn't bear seeing her that way he had walked over there and asked her to take a walk with him outside but she had calmly refused. It was odd and he went on his knees with both hands resting on her kneecaps. He stared into her eyes and asked yet again.

"What's wrong, JJ?"

She looked away from the ceiling and around the room.

"They're gone," Arthur told her, knowing she sought their parents. "Tell me. Share it with me and I shall carry it along with you, it makes your load a lot lighter."

"Umm....," she slowly rose from her seated position and turned around to show him the blood tint on her pants. "I saw it a while ago and I didn't know what to do. I can't talk to mom about it either. What should I do?" She cried, pleading eyes stared into his. He did take care of her, he went out and bought her sanitaries and on his way home he picked up a female friend, brought her home and she assisted his sister and told her how it works.

They never stopped confiding in each other ever since.

"I do too." He had told her and her eyes lit up once again. She didn't even ask if he was gay, no judgment at all in her beautiful blue eyes and that was all he needed to feel accepted. Of course, he was never going to tell his parents, they would much rather he died than be gay but telling Jenny Jean was all the outing he needed.

"You finally opened your heart for someone." She whispered, careful not to let her voice be heard from the door.

"I hope I don't regret it." He told her, a bit sad.

"We will never know until we've tried." She tapped him softly on the shoulder and he nodded. "Who is he?"

"He's a professor at my college, he's older of course but he gives me all the love I need."

"After uncle Rayne, I was worried for you... and your taken to older men."

The boy lowered his head, their uncle Rayne had molested him at a very tender age, he trusted him and since he was often at their home, playing games with them and filling in for what their father should have been doing, they gave their complete trust to the man but he was without an agenda.

He wanted the little boy and the day he carried out his hideous plan, JJ had walked into his room and found him there. The coward packed up his belongings and left the house shortly after mocking them saying they were never going to be believed by their parents if they told on him. He was right, of course, they wouldn't believe them, Rayne was their father's brother and he wasn't going to listen to his kids, he never did.

They kept it their secret ever since.

"Sometimes I feel you like older men because you try to find some comfort since our dad is such an asshole and barely cares about us." The boy laughed when he saw her twisted brows as she racked her head in confusion. He understood her worries for him. "I hope he makes you happy because if he doesn't, I would kill him with my bare hands. You tell him that, Jones!" Crushing him in another hug.

She's the only one who calls him Jones. It always sounded funny whenever she called him that. "Yes, ma'am!" He laughed and she hugged him again. "There's more isn't there?" He noticed and she exhaled then pulled out from their hug to stare into his eyes. Arthur pulled her chair close and sat her down on it while he sat on her bed. "Tell me." It was then she told him all about Vera and her obsession with nearly every boy in school. She told him she destroyed the notes she often found in her locker and he had told her to bring them home to him, which she did, and then she would forward every email, memes, and photoshops sent to her from Vera.

None of these were enough to have caused his sister's death. She wouldn't have taken her life for such a silly thing. She was strong, she was his strong lady. He had seen her deal with those mean words and it never affected her.

Then they had taken it a step closer, they had murdered her and pinned it on suicide. Such disrespect to such a wonderful person.

Jenny Jean was an angel, his angel and they took her away forcefully just when he was nearly completing his studies and about giving her the life she deserves. She alone cared enough about him. Only she loved him truly as he did her but those cruel teenagers had taken her away from him. They left him without his angel, they made him wander aimlessly for years and until now he still cried for her. He owes JJ one thing. To fight for her justice and make sure the truth behind her death is uncovered.

After her death, he switched courses at the uni. He wanted to fight for her and fight for her rightly. She hadn't even been alive to murder that jackass Alex who broke his heart and left him for dead just when he was morning his sister.

The fool had left him, broken his heart in the night, and left him standing in the pouring rain while he cried his pain into the night, his tears mixing with rain and the gut-wrenching sounds mingled with the claps of thunder.

How cruel can love be?

He's shut his heart out ever since and given all his energy into chasing the truth about his sister's death in the years it had taken, he's proud to have uncovered a lot of details, at least he hopes even if not enough to give a death penalty to that Vera, it would be enough to lock her up for life. He still has no proof that she had pushed Jenny Jean from the rooftop, but he could swear that's exactly what Vera did to his sister, the only missing link been how she managed to get her up to the roof knowing his sister had the fear of height there was no way she would have gone up there on her own free will.

Someone must have taken her up there.

Someone she trusted and perhaps loved.


Second chapter up, a little knowledge about these two characters, hope you enjoy the reads.

Love. AK

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