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Chapter TEN

A curse of some sort. One he had brought upon himself by his own hands.


"Come sit with me." She pulled the reluctant boy with her towards the couch where they both sat down. "He is your soulmate, one way or another, he will come to this realization and he will accept you."

"But, I don't have that much time, I can't wait for that long, my fathers wanted me home in three months and I have used almost one and have achieved nothing." 

"I know, I can always put in words in your favor and see if they give you some more time." 

"No need, if in these months he doesn't remember to accept me, I'll go back home and not bother him anymore." 

"If that is what you want." 

"It hurts too much, Steph." Levon broke down in streams.

He seems to be doing this a lot lately and it's that boy's fault. If only he could stay mad at Danny for tormenting him this way. 

Stephanie remembered the news she was going to break once the boy returned and her eyes sparkled with delight as she brightened up, a smile broadened her lips catching Levon just immediately. He sniffed, eyes watching the happy woman as she got up and walked over to the back of the TV where she picked up a picture frame, sauntering back to him she handed him the photo. 

Levon stared at the unknown faces and confusion quickly registered on his face accompanied by thousands of questions. 

"Well, that used to be my husband and the younger one is my son." She clarified.

"You are married?" The question had the woman tumbling in laughter.

"Of course I'm married, you little brat." She snorted between laughter. "Well..., I was married." 

"How come you never mentioned this before?" 

"We haven't really gotten around to talking much ever since you arrived, all you ever did was watch after your angel and go straight to bed after dinner." 

Levon lowered his head in shame. "I'm sorry." He felt like a brat indeed, he treated her so coldly and yet she remained so understanding of him.

"Nothing to apologize for, my love." She patted his shoulder then walked around him to make the short distant trek into the kitchen to check on dinner baking in the oven. 

Levon hauled himself up from the couch and walked behind her as he looked at those faces in the photo. 

These people strike him weirdly. 

Both father and son gave off this dark energy and Levon couldn't help the cold feeling that encompassed him the longer he stared at the photo. Slowly he put the picture down on the dinner table, pulled out a chair, and sat down facing the woman as she checked on dinner.


"Why did you show me the photo and can you please tell me about your ex and son now?" He asked politely and chuckled when he heard her soft laughter once again.

She is such a sweet lady. 

"Six months after I had you, I met this really sweet-talking man. He was a bit older but he was the sweetest lover, that I had ever met. It was one of those love at first sight moment and we fucked on our first date which was literally a day after we met." 

"Eww!" Levon cried, not in disgust but in a too-much-info type of way.

"Oh, shut it, you were the one singing fuck fuck fuck all along don't act grossed out now." They both laughed. It was comforting talking about something that doesn't include Danny for a change. "Also, you wouldn't say you haven't fucked anyone before." It wasn't a question but Levon lowered his head at the thought and when she saw his head hung low she laughed harder. "I knew it." Only she had it wrong.

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