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Chapter. 24.

"I'm sorry," he cries, still clawing desperately at Levon's arm. He thought he felt his finger move but it could be his own imagination tricking him. "I'm so sorry, I-'' he's hyperventilating, unable to force oxygen into his lungs through his broken pleading, but he doesn't stop. He couldn't; he's hysterical now, and he needs his lover to open his eyes. "Please... Please, wake up, Louis." He doesn't. His eyes stayed closed, his body stayed deathly still, and Dylon stayed crying over him like his tears would magically undo all the pain he had inflicted on his lover. Like they would somehow take back all the things he had said and done. 

Like they would wake Levon up.

They won't. He knows that, but it doesn't stop him from soaking the thin fabric of Levon's hospital gown with the river pouring from his eyes, and it doesn't stop his pleading. He kept crying over his lover and nothing anyone with him said could get him to stop and they all tired seeing as his pain was washing over all of them, it was almost unbearable to watch him that way. Helpless as none knew how to console the boy. Moving himself closer to the bed so that he could wrap his arms around Levon's torso. His skin is so cold, his body so weak and pliant, and it scares Dylon. He's never thought he would ever see Louis like this, so vulnerable and so helpless. It's just wrong. 

Was Danny this way when he died?


"Louis, please~" he continues begging, praying that somewhere deep inside Louis hears him. "Please, wake up, I- I didn't mean any of it... I need you." It's the truth. He doesn't know how he ever forgot that how he could ever put someone above him. Louis is another part of him, an extension of his soul that was simply transferred to another body. His heart, his support, his comfort, his caregiver, his protector, his lover, his best friend, his soulmate.

He jolted out of his thoughts when his father came kneeling beside him, "Baby, please, that's enough, you're gonna get sick if you continue this way." He lifts his head to glance at his father, who doesn't look any better than he did. "Remember, he is my brother too, we have to be strong for him, whatever has happened has happened, please baby, stay strong and let's pray for him to wake up soon." Dylon wipes at his eyes, but he only succeeds in smearing his tears all over his face. He doesn't care enough to put any effort into it so he just nods as a sign that he heard what he's said. Dylon however continues to stare down at his and Levon's intertwined hands. "It's going to be alright." 

"How long is he going to be like this?" He asks shakily, holding deathly tight to the limp fingers still in his grasp. "When did the doctor say he will wake up?" He manages to tear his eyes away from Levon to look up at the parents. He heard Markus take deep breaths and Daniels smiled warmly at him trying to not join him in his breakdown seeing the desperation in his eyes. 

Daniels frowns at the blank and distant look on his face, noting that he's behaving very similarly to shock victims, and answers carefully so he doesn't upset him more. Hopefully, he'll be able to calm down over the next couple of hours as he comes to terms with what's happened. 

"Well, according to the doctor's words, comas typically aren't a long-term thing. Most patients come out of them in two or three days, maybe more." He tried to sound hopeful but Dylon catches the phrasing in his sentence easily. 

Most patients. 

Meaning some don't. 

"What if he doesn't wake up?" Dan looked to his husband for help, and when Markus didn't look back at him he stared at DJ, he didn't want to upset Dylon anymore than he already was and he was almost positive that discussing in details all the doctor had said to someone in Dylon's very volatile state is not a smart idea. He wished he could reach the doctor and have him explain himself but it seemed he was caught in the web and he needed to assure the boy the best way he could. 

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