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Chapter. 21.

The weekend soon approached and yet no news about Louis. Dylon had had very little sleep, and when it came, it was out of pure exhaustion and even less to eat. He could barely stop crying, holding back his tears for when he was alone, trying to not break down in front of his friends and classmates or before his family. He had tried to find any news about where they had flown Louis to but none was forthcoming.

The day after the comforting conversation with his family, they went to school and he had cut it off with Vera who for some reason didn't accept the breakup but it didn't even bother Dylon. He was more concerned for Louis and desperate to hear news about him. It's been three days since that accident. Keller had told him that two cops visited his house and asked him a couple of questions about Levon, even Dalton confirmed it as he too has had his own visit from the cops.

Owen, who was friends with Levon, had actually picked a fight with him yesterday at school, demanding that he tell them what had really happened before the accident and he had told him and his friends the truth, two of which claimed they too had been visited by the police. 

It added to the mystery surrounding the accident. 

Why were the police so interested in the case?.

It was a question only Dylon knew he might actually have the answer to.

The gunshot. 

Maybe it had been targeted for Levon.

Considering that they haven't been told which hospital Levon was at, it added to the fright as he wondered if he was still alive but he could feel it. And as long as he could feel that, there was hope.


Milling around the house, the family tried their best to act normally. Nothing about this situation was normal. DJ longed to reunite with his brother but the fact that he was hospitalized and they didn't even know if they would ever find out which hospital he was at or if they would be allowed to visit, bugs his mind endlessly. Dylon's yearning for his lover's presence was starting to drain the life out of him. He wanted to be close to him, to be there for him, and the fact that he couldn't was starting to kill him slowly. 

As they all sat around the living room, crying or sniffing softly, talking quietly, trying to focus on the TV to occupy their restless minds, there was a knock at the door. Dylon jumped to his feet and was there in a second. He pulled the door open wide to find two police officers, one he knew to be a detective. 

"Dylon, right?" Sargent Roy asked and at the nod of the boy's head, he proceeded to speak. "May we come in?" 

"Sure, of course, please." He was trying to read their faces, for any kind of mood. 

It seems they were going door to door to everyone who may have known or come in contact with Levon before the accident. 

It was his turn.

He would do his best to help them with any information he could remember. 


Once they had entered, both parents got up to acknowledge their presence, DJ was shocked the most finding the police at his house. It's odd they do visit and if they do they bring some sort of news, any news, and no news is good news. DJ didn't know if he was ready to hear whatever they had brought with them but he needed to listen and be present nonetheless as they requested that they speak with the parents and Dylon in private but Lucy had insisted they speak to all of them. Dylon's heart sank to the floor as he took in a deep breath. He looked around the silent room, he looked at the pleading and heartbreaking faces surrounding him.

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