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Chapter: 66.

Louis jolted awake to find brightness filling the room. He tried to force tired eyes open, he was completely exhausted like he hadn't slept at all, and in truth he didn't, his soul had wandered all night seeking their half and he was glad he found him. Placing a shaky hand on his beating chest he felt Danny's pulse within him and a smile tugged at the corner of his lips, finally..., he breathed.

Louis got out of bed wincing from a full-body ache that shocked him to the bones. He was hurting from everywhere, his legs were shaky and nearly numb, it was a battle getting them to move. Once he managed to stand by the foot of the bed, he looked for something to grab onto.

But, found none.

"Nothing!" He muttered with a frown, eyes still searching the room for anything. "Guess I'm doing this all by myself…," he groaned when he threw one leg forward and tried to drag the other to it. "Fuck, hurts like hell!" He gritted, eyes clamped tightly then he did a few breathing exercises and strengthened up. "Left foot...right foot." he counted as he slowly made his way into the bathroom to get cleaned up and get ready. He needed to get to Danny as soon as possible. The thought of his lover still stuck in that dreadful place drove his sense into overdrive, forgetting his body ache, the boy washed up quickly and left the bathroom. Eyes catching the glimpse of the clock beeping on Danny's study table, it read nine-thirty.

"Shit!" He groaned aloud. How on earth had he slept for that long? "Fucking, Louis." He hissed at himself then hurried over to the closet to change into another of Danny's outfits. "Phone…," He searched the room and found his dirty clothes lying carelessly on the floor just as he had left them the previous night. He picked up his pants and in the pocket found his phone. He had four missed calls from Owen, one each from the other guys and two from JC. "Shit!" He walked out of the room in a hurry yet careful as his body still trembles from pain. How had he slept so long? It didn't even seem like the dream had lasted a good thirty minutes. 

Once he got to the stairs he stopped, cursing as he stared at it. Getting down wasn't going to be easy but he's gotta try. Once again, he chanted left foot right foot and slowly descended the stairs and by the time he made it to the last, he was sweating bullets and panting hard. 

The house was already busy, everyone seemed to be present, except DJ and his Father. He could hear Lucy and his Dad chatting in the kitchen, Draya was seated close to Dalton and Keller while Owen stood beside them, his fingers constantly combing into Keller's hair, which Louis found cute, they seemed to be watching something on Draya's phone. JC causally talked with Arthur who constantly glared into his laptop and back up at JC to answer his question or return whatever chat they had going on. They were all dressed and looked refreshed and Louis knew at some point they each had gone home last night.

Louis decided it was time he crawled out from his hiding place, his breathing had evened out and he could walk again so he tried, it didn't seem any easier. 

If he was hit by a bus, he was certain this was exactly the feeling he would be getting from the aftermath.


There was a time when this was his normal but since his accident, he hasn't been able to fully take Danny's pain and he has almost forgotten how that often felt. JC was the first to spot him by the corner, his eyes lit up in delight when he fully emerged into the living room.

"Thought you had died in your sleep." Voice dripped with sarcasm when he spoke, attracting others to look towards the approaching boy. Draya got up and rushed over to him but before Louis could warn her off, her arms already encircled him and he huffed out grunts of pain, eyes watered instantly Draya didn't even seem to notice as she held onto him tighter. 

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