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Chapter: 72.

Louis returned into the room bearing in his hand bottled water, the cap uncovered and he approached his lover with the water close to Danny's lips he groaned. "Open up." Danny moaned and opened his mouth but Louis poured the water into his own mouth instead and while Danny stood there confused, the man swallowed and smirked. "You want it then you're gonna have to get it from my mouth." Danny's Adam's-apple-bobbed as he watched Louis raise the bottle and once again poured enough into his mouth. Danny delved in, he lapped at the water, it was slurpy like wet french kissing he tried to get water into his mouth. He managed to taste a few drops before Louis pulled away and left him panting, both of Danny's hands pressed tightly against the wall behind him. "I think you're full." He said, then walked over to the table to place the half bottle of water down.

Louis returned to his lover and smiled when he heard his breath hitched once he was close enough. Danny had water droplets cascading down his chest, some smeared over the pink head of his hardened nipples, the rays of sunlight sipping into the bedroom through the window-blinds sent ripples of colors across Danny's wet skin even his heavily-lidded eyes glowed different colors. Danny was afraid to make any sudden movement, like a deer caught in a headlight, he stood there, panting and watching Louis devour him with those wicked eyes.

God, he could come by just his looks alone.

Louis's eyes reached his lover's hard member and he saw it twitched. He traced the outline of that sweet swollen flesh till he reached the delicate rose head. It looked like a juicy strawberry. The yummy tip wept in lust as Louis stared at it. Couldn't let it suffer like that, so he went on his knees and very slowly, took it into his mouth.

"Ah..." Danny cried, his legs weakened, knees squeezed together, hands digging into the walls, eyes clamped tightly, Louis's warm mouth against his hungry flesh drove his sanity away with the winds that had suddenly begun to gather filling the room with cool air. "... ah..." Louis walked his flesh like a pro, gently sucking on the tip, coating it with his juice which poured out from the slits. "...haa... L-Lou..." he wheezed, even something as easy as breathing suddenly became a much more difficult task, one which he forgot he was capable of doing.

Louis, deciding to go further, began to swallow the length of his lover, Danny panted, his breath broke a few times then he began coughing and choking on air. Louis freed his member that time and looked up at him.

"Just breathe," he cooed lovingly and Danny nodded.

How does one breathe again?

He wondered, confused for a short moment.

Once he had calmed down, Louis delved back in, this time taking him entirely until he was feeling his warm breaths fan against his pubes.

"Oh, my God!" He gasped, eyes bulging as he managed to stare down at his still fully clothed Greek God on both knees driving him into oblivion with his smart mouth. "C--Comin--" he panted with short breaths, and couldn't get the word out fully. He tried to remove his hands from the walls but realizing he would fall if he did that, he begged with his eyes and just then Louis looked up at him, with mouth full, eyes sexy with glints of wetness in their depth Danny cried out so loudly he feared the entire neighborhood heard then he filled Louis's mouth with ropes of warm seeds.

Louis swallowed with ease all that his lover gave and continued milking him of every single last drop, Danny's sensitive member gave more essence and Louis gladly welcomed its goodness into his waiting mouth even then he wouldn't stop.

"P--Please, en-enough!" Danny thought that was what he had said but his ears heard something different. He was a trembling mess, panting and moaning.

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