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Chapter. 28.

Another restless night went by with Dylon by his lover's side, his hands still gripping tightly to those of the unconscious boy and Dylon endured his constant groans while Levon slept. It was a sound that often breaks the little hanging piece of sanity he still holds and each time his lover groans in agony, Dylon feels his guilt flare-up, a reminder of how badly he had messed up. 

He's tried to do all he could, day and night in an attempt to provide his lover with even just a small amount of serenity as he sleeps unconsciously of the world and of him who had broken him and had left him for dead. The past few days had been hell and he had refused to leave that bedside from unfounded fear that Levon might cease to exist if he took his eyes off of him. He'd taken shorter naps at nights and none at all during the day and he was always found sitting in the same chair he'd sat in from the first day he had arrived, with his head resting on Levon's legs and hand still intertwined, never letting go only when he needed to do so. 

Another gut-wrenching groan escapes Levon, twisting his head slightly to the left. He's done that over the nights, too-subtle movements which often leaves Dylon wondering whether he was finally waking up, and whenever he would look at him, he would find Levon's eyelids shut tight still and breathing still unnaturally. And each time his heart speeds up as he prepares to face his mistakes and every time he's met with strange disappointment along with a mixture of relief when Levon settles and goes still once again.

Dylon was desperate to see his lover open his eyes or make a sound other than the usual grunts of pain, even if it meant telling him that he was the reason why he had ended up there because, in truth, Dylon doesn't think he could take watching him like this anymore. 

He was suffering too much and his heart bleeds all the time from it. 

He needs Levon to wake up so he would apologize, he would beg, anything to get rid of this heavy, crushing guilt that's continuing to weigh on him like a bag filled with wet sand. But, every time he looks over at Levon, he still lies, unmoving and quiet leaving his soul-crushed lover with only the small twitches he makes. 

This was torture. 

Then he moved again but this time it was more subtle his movements then evolved into something more drastic until Levon's fingers are tightening around Dylon's and his legs tensing slightly. Dylon's head snaps up as he stares at his lover and he jumps back, holding his breath, afraid of making a sound that might arouse Levon further.

Conflicted with his own troubled mind he has no idea what he expected to happen at that particular moment. Yes, he wanted to see Levon awake but he's also not ready to have Levon send him away in hate as soon he saw him no matter how well deserved it is. It didn't seem like he gets a choice because Levon is moving more now, his eyebrows furrowing as the muscles in his face tighten and untighten, as he tries to open his eyes. Dylon just stares at him, unable to do anything else, and then-


"W-Where am I?" Levon's voice was scratchy from the many days of not being used. He sounds weak and confused, almost helpless, and for some reason, it pushed Dylon over the edge once again. He didn't think he had any more tears to cry, but the flood streaming down his face proved him otherwise. He doesn't know what to say or do, and he's overcome with shame that he just drops his head to cry violently. Refusing to look up at his confused lover's face, even as he felt his stares burning into him. 

After a few seconds of Levon trying to come back to reality, he asks again. 

"Where am I?" Forcing himself to meet his eyes one more time, Dylon was met with Levon's vacant and unfocused eyes, gathering enough courage, he grasps his hand lightly when Levon reaches out to him. He wasn't even sure Levon recognized him apart from his familiar touch, but he still seems to want to be as close as he can.

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