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Chapter. 42.

A distressed whimper aroused Louis and he opened his eyes to find Danny shivering in his arms, must be having a nightmare. This house did come with memories and he could be reliving them all in his sleep. Eager to have the boy relax, he whispered into the still room, "My soul, I'm right here. I love you." He gathered Danny in his arms. Danny's body fit to his like a glove. Danny would forever be his everything and that very thought brought his lips to Danny's warm neck and his tongue to lap at his sweaty skin. Danny mumbled softly in his sleep, his fingers gripped Louis's side tighter and he felt him begin to harden against his leg. 

Through the glass doors, he saw it was dark outside and the moon washed into the cabin, filling it with its glorious glow. The room was dark but with the help of the full moon up ahead, he could make out his lover's face and he touched him, softly. Letting his fingers dance across Danny's flawless face. His soulmate has long since relaxed and his breathing came out in soft, steady fans against his naked chest.

It became a game of mystery and discovery as he slowly rolled them and laid Danny out underneath him, pulling the silky sheet off his naked body. Danny was lean with a perfect muscle definition around his stomach but otherwise flat as he ran his hand down his soulmate's chest. His elegant legs scissored together and his newly formed erection swayed a little with his movements. Curling a bit at the ends, his short hair splayed around the pillow and he shivered in his dreams while the breeze coursed over his long leaned legs and over his chest.  

This creature with the sultry perfect body bearing his mark on his left palm writhed under him, his mouth opens slightly with want. Another gust of honey-soaked air blew through the open windows and mixed with his soulmate’s intoxicating scent. Straddling his lean body, Louis made no move to hide the thickening cock between his legs and rubbed against his lover with need. 

How could one person so flawlessly captive his body and soul in such a manner?

"Dear, God," he breathed and ran his hands down Danny's chest and closed his eyes. Everything became sharper and he felt his body go into a form of heat. He made love to him only a few hours ago and yet, it felt as if he hadn't touched the boy before now. His loins needed Danny with a vengeance and he was fighting the urge every step of the way but he was too beautiful, too succulent to deny himself of his soulmate's body. He needed to mate with him, the urge painful as it was only a natural response to claim him and bond together once more. 

He wanted to let him sleep but, there is a need, one which once starts… he would not stop until he was released deep inside of him.

"My Beauty," the word came out a growl from between his lips and Danny gasped but his eyes remained closed. Like a ravenous animal, Louis fell upon him. His hands grasped his lover's rib cage and his teeth descended upon his tiny pink nipple.  The first nibble to his bud had his soulmate arching his back. His heels dug into the bed beneath them and his hands gripped the ends of Louis's hair like reins between his fingers.

"Wake up, my love!" he growled and lapped at his now splotchy red nipple. Moving his hands downward, he cupped his lover's hips and thrust his briefs-clad erection into his lover's own silky pink member. 

Danny whined and pleaded in his dreams, his breath hitching and then escaping him. Fuck, he was a vision covered in sweat with a strip of blue moonlight running down his body. Louis wanted to devour him alive but he settled for his lips as he cupped his ass and ground against him.

Danny's tongue needed no invitation and split his lips apart for a proper taste of him. They groaned as one and Louis sucked the invading tongue into his mouth, twisting their tastes into one sweet flavor. The fingers in his hair became urgent, slipping down to his back and clawing into his muscle. 

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