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Chapter: 85.

"I remember." He whispered.


"He is telling the truth. I remember his words. The water, everything. He was there to help." Pressing Louis's right hand to his forehead, he spoke calmly. "I can have you see it through me if you still doubt it. You probably didn't see it before because I didn't remember it." 

Louis sighed. If Danny said it's the truth then the idiot was actually telling the truth. But, damn, he's gotta be like the dumbest person he's ever seen.

"Danny believes you and so do I," Louis said and saw Denis exhaled. "Thanks for helping him." He clasped the boy softly on the shoulder. "And I'm sorry for nearly knocking you out." 

"So, this means Dalton is behind this whole mess after all. He sold you into that bitch's trap. How low!" Keller seethed. 

"Who would have thought…" Owen whispered. He's always considered the boy cute and harmless. "He was with us all that time and didn't say anything knowing damn well where you were!" 

"God, I wanna hurt him!" Louis muttered, Danny squeezed his hand into his and smiled. "How did you get out of there?" 

"Dalton…" Denis told them and they gasped. 

"What?" DJ asked.

"Yeah, he got me out with some other men I didn't know. They weren't the same that came with Vera, you know the ones who did that to him." He pointed to Dylon and Louis nodded. "He said you were on your way to getting Danny and he told me Vera was gonna kill me if she finds me. Then when he brought me home, my mother was parked and waiting. She told me to get into the car and she drove me away to my father's. We waited there until the storm died down. We saw it in the news, about her and her father so we came out today."

"Wait, if I heard correctly, you said Dalton drove you all the way to your mother's house?" Keller asked, shocked. The boy left as they wanted to go find Danny that day, how had he gotten around to doing all of that.


"How devious can that boy actually be?!" Keller couldn't believe his ears. "Just when you think you know someone."

"But, why didn't you come to us?" Mark asked Stephanie.

"The mayor had threatened me and my son. He said we best leave or get killed. I had to leave, I couldn't fight against the Mayor and I didn't want my son to get hurt."

"Yes!" JC yelped and Arthur laughed knowing why the man rejoiced. 

"What?" Louis asked his happy friend.

"You have no idea how I hated the five-year sentence he got. Now he can get more added thanks to them." 

"This just proves without a doubt he was completely behind this as much as his daughter was." Arthur agreed and smiled at his happy lover.

"So, Dalton almost got Danny and Louis killed and yet have the decency to save you?" Owen held despair for the boy.

"How generous of Dalton, huh, he knew you saw something so he got you out of the picture, very clever." DJ shook his head in disappointment.

"But, why?" Danny asked. "Why would he target me? What did we ever do to him?" 

"You don't know!" They turned when they heard that voice, standing by the door and holding a gun pointed at Danny was Dalton. Loud gasps erupted from all around and Louis saw red.

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