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Chapter: 78.

Eternity may have passed with both men locked together like that, breathing and coming down slowly from their highs. 

"I love you too," Danny whispered, remembering he hadn't returned it when Louis said it before. 

Louis smiled, "How are you feeling?" Danny shoved him away from on top of him and while Louis stumbled to the other side of the bed his cock painfully slipped out from Danny erupting moans and ripples after ripples of shivers from the friction. 

"Sensitive and so fucking sore, you're a beast!" He whined when he had calmed down a little, Louis couldn't stop laughing. 

"Next time, be careful what you wish for." 

"If I didn't love you too much I swear I would be smacking that smirk out of your face." 

"Thank you for loving me then, but hey, I wouldn't mind at all, I love your pain." Louis winked and Danny took back what he had just said as he smacked him hard on the chest but Louis moaned instead. 

Danny stilled, his eyes locked onto his lover and he smacked him again and again, he moaned louder then he realized the harder he did that the more Louis was going to want a round two and what they just had seemed like tenth rounds already he would die if he arouses the beast any more so he simply shoved him completely out of the bed and Louis fell with a loud thump and yet he wouldn't stop laughing. 

"Easy on me, darling, I'm too frail." He whined softly standing up and touching his chest as if it had hurt. Danny laughed that time, he watched Louis's chest and saw a series of fingernail scratches all over his skin, and for a second there he felt horrible, some of those scratches might need bandages, there was blood in most. Louis noticed the sorry look on his face and smiled warmly. "Hey, eyes up here!" He called and Danny met his eyes. "I love them, they are so freaking hot and I would wear them with pride anytime, anywhere." 

Danny chuckled despite himself. 

"Next time make them more." 

"Wha--" Danny couldn't get himself to speak, they looked painful as fuck just from staring at them. 

"Yeah, I love them, turns me on, next time add bite marks to them, make it hurt so bad." Louis bit down on his lower lip seductively and Danny nearly gave up on the masochistic idiot.

"You really are an idiot." Danny shook his head with a smile.

"Your idiot." Louis winked.

"Right, my idiot," he snorted out a laugh. "I'm still going to have them looked at once I can make use of my legs again, they could get infected." 

"You worry too much, my love, I'm fine, it's just a flesh love-wound inflicted by my beautiful, gorgeous, sexy lover, nothing serious." 

"I'm sor--"

"Never, use that word with me, there is nothing ever to be sorry about between us. Now rest and I will go run us a warm bath."

Danny smiled. "I love you, Levon."

"And I love you, Dylon," Louis smirked, turned around to head into the bathroom but paused quickly. "Also, you should look at your body, I'm sure I drew the map to our souls all over that sexy skin."

Not again.

Danny thought and shuddered when he heard Louis return.

Yeah, again.

He picked up a pillow and threw it towards the other man who had run into the bathroom laughing loudly.

Danny managed to get out of bed, with shaky legs he stumbled to the mirror and the jerk wasn't lying. It looked like he had just wrestled with a wild animal and in turn, had claw marks and bites all over his skin, no part of his body was left unmarked. 

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