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Chapter. 62.


Of course, it is you, no wonder Danny is always weakened whenever you're around, he probably felt this but didn't know how to balance these feelings. He is  Danny after all, always very slow to understand, but he is my Danny, not yours, not then and most certainly not now. 

Anger boiled within the boy the longer he stayed locked in that circle. He understood now who was responsible for his current state, the words Danny wouldn't speak to him freely, his soul, converse. 

"Reborn and yet still stupid-"

The girl's voice resounded around him and the boy laughed with despair. 

Yes, my stupid, my Danny.

You found him again, Williams. 

He thought bitterly. He should have seen this coming. How had he missed not recognizing Williams from day one? But, no matter, dealing with Williams is his number one specialty. 

They might as well catch up on old times.

"I thought I finally had you and then that idiot Louis had to be the hero once again, didn't he? Coming into our peaceful perfect lives and messing it up yet again but you know what, I won't let him this time. He may have succeeded before but not this time. I won't let him, he will be long dead before he can keep you away from me again, you understand me, Danny boy!" 

Louis seethed, how he hated it whenever he called him 'Danny boy' it sickens him.

As long as I live, you never will have him, because he never was yours to have in the first place. Everything you got, you forcefully took and he couldn't have fought you otherwise.

You broke him, hurt him, and never bothered how he felt. 

In the end, it was only what the great Williams wanted that mattered. 

"Ugh!!" Louis grunted from pain, this was when Danny began to send him away, severing their links and forcefully separating their souls.

"I know he can feel you, Danny boy, and I will let you lead him straight into my waiting traps, let's see what happens if this time he dies first!"

Louis laughed, dark, menacing laughter which despite his ache still rang throughout the forest.

Dies first.

"Tsk" he scoffed, still grunting, "I would love to see you try and for what you have done to my Danny, you will pay the ultimate prize." It all made sense now. Who had shot? He knew now. Damn, he had been lenient too long, ignoring that which he was supposed to give his uttermost attention while he chased Danny. 

Only Williams could control his lover and get him so scared he wouldn't want to have him involved a second time.

But this was between him and Williams. Danny is his to protect and he will do that with all he's worth. 

"He is a fool for love, a fool for your love, Danny boy, he will find you and I will be waiting." 

The voices faded and the spell holding him bound to the earth broke, the boy spirited away towards the log cabin, he merged into woods and bounced into the darkroom, it seemed like a living room, Danny's spilled blood filled his nostrils, Louis felt his blood run cold. Danny was indeed here and this room was where they had inflicted the worst pain.

Once again, the images came flashing around, the room got brighter and there Danny was, blindfolded and helpless, surrounded by four other masked boys who kicked at him endlessly, and one of them, with a knife, stabbed into his legs as if he was playing with a hated-stuffed toy. Louis watched the boy, committing the image into his memory, it doesn't matter if he wore a mask shielding his face from being seen, if he were to come across this one boy, the resentment he feels towards him would manifest and he will deliver to him as much as he delivered to his lover, ten times more.

"Danny?" He whispered, once the images faded and the room darkened yet again, he felt Danny's faint breathing and spun on his heels, he needed to search room after room. Danny is still here. The first room he unlocked had nothing in it, the second, had Denis chained to the wall, bruised and bleeding. His head was limp from exhaustion. 

Wasn't he a part of this? The boy wondered but he wouldn't bother with him right now. He needed to find Danny. 

The next door had Danny in it, the boy already sitting up and waiting, Louis rushed over to him and tried to hug him but failed. His hands simply passed through Danny's trembling form. Louis withdrew his hands when he saw Danny shudder from the contact. Danny was awake so he couldn't touch him. But it seems he could feel him, see him even.

"Can you see me?" He asked, and Danny nodded, the boy was badly bruised, he had clean wet bandages wrapped around his legs, the once white bandages had bloodstain on most parts and this had Louis going crazy yet again. "I'm sorry," he cried, "I am truly sorry, my love, I feel like I failed you again. I left you and look what happened. I should have gone to JC's with you. I shouldn't have trusted your safety in another's hands. Nobody can keep you safe but me. I didn't learn from my mistakes before. Just like when I left you and went to argue with JC when you slit your wrist in that bathtub. I did it again, baby, I am so sorry!" 

Danny smiled with tears running down his face. Shouldn't he be the one apologizing? He didn't like seeing Louis this way. This wasn't his fault and he wasn't ready to let him take the whole fall for this. This was his fault as much as Louis deemed it to be his.

"Did you know, that on that day, your anniversary party, that I had planned it all? I knew about your wife and Vince, I knew about Mika, I was aware of it all. When I saw Priest forcing you that day, I was the one who got your father involved and I should have stayed behind and helped you get out of there safely. But, I left you there and instead went to find JC. We got into an argument since he wanted me to proceed with the rest of the plan but I didn't want to put you through more than you already were in. I shouldn't have done that. I never should have left your side, you wouldn't have gone and did- and did..." 

Danny was frantically shaking his head as if he was denying all that he was trying to explain. Louis went on his knees and approached the boy.

"What is it, my love?" He whispered and Danny sniffled, reaching out to grab him but failed, knowing he couldn't touch Louis, that moment felt worse than the many wounds on his body. "Does it hurt a lot?" Louis shut his eyes and immediately began to take the pain, grunting while he did so and Danny allowed it. He shouldn't have pushed him away. Louis wouldn't have let this happen to him, but with Williams in the picture yet again, what else could he have possibly done?

Louis slumped to the floor once he had taken all the ache from his lover, panting with difficulty. He felt drained and weak. Danny tilts his head lower to meet his face but his eyes were clamp shut and tears slipped steadily from shut lids. 

"My soul," he called and Louis blinked, bloodshot eyes peered open to meet his lover's gaze. "I'm sorry." He cried. 

"No!" Louis rasped, "No, don't apologize to me, my love, this is all my fault." 

Danny inhaled, disagreeing by shaking his head.


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Love, Alpha.

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