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Chapter. 37.

Danny awoke to the sound of birds chirping on the many trees surrounding his log cabin and the first aroma to greet his nostrils was that of a deliciously made breakfast sitting beside his bed. A smile so fulfilling graced his beautiful features, reaching deeply into his eyes and making them sparkle delightfully. 

A soft moan rose from within as he stretched tired muscles and slowly sat on the bed. He rubbed sleep from his eyes with both hands and then reached for the white little note in the golden tray.  A grin tugged at his lips when he pulled the note open and saw it was from Louis. 

Morning, my beauty...

The words had him smiling profusely as his eyes eagerly scanned the rest of the written words. 

You looked so beautiful I didn't have the heart to wake you. I have your breakfast ready, I've got your clean clothes in the closet and your computer is sitting on the other side of the bed. Don't worry about going in to work today, I gave Melody a call on your behalf and told her you wouldn't make it today so she will reschedule your appointments and have them sent to you.

I had to do a few things this morning but don't miss me too much, I'll be back shortly. 

Danny looked around to find his computer and work phone by the desk near the window and he shook his head at the boy's thoughtfulness. 

P.S... Does it hurt? I'm sorry if I made you a little too sore.

Those last lines had the man chuckling to himself. 

Just fill the tub with warm water and sit in it, you'll feel better, I promise. I love you. 

"I love you too," Danny whispered, a stray tear slid down his face and he wiped it off, tucked the note back into the tray then grabbed the entire tray to eat breakfast. His muscles ache and his ass numb but it wasn't so bad.

He definitely will be sitting in that bathtub, he might even make the tub his office the rest of the day. 


Danny had just returned from his baths when a knock came on the cabin's glass doors and he wondered why whoever that was couldn't push it open. 

He walked towards the door while fitting his belts into his pants but a gasp soon left his parted lips when he saw who his visitor was. 

Williams stood behind the closed door fuming in profound rage. He had woken to find a text from Jacobi saying some bullshit about making his first mistake and may not have completed the task placed in his hands.

He didn't have time for unfinished business and this certainly was not the time to make mistakes. 

He needed to be certain Danny hadn't contacted the man yet as well as get between his legs to help calm his restless mind but the door was locked which was strange and enraging. 

"Good morning, Dad." Danny greeted as he stared at the man through the glass. 

"Well, what are you standing around for? Open the damn door!" He seethed. 

Danny felt his heart sunk as he quickly reached to grab the door handle. He pulled and pulled but it was shut tight and won't budge.

"What's going on?" His father fired back at him, already getting irritated. "Is this a way to pay me back for walking out on you?" 

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