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Chapter. 44.

Louis woke up to his stomach gurgling loudly. He tried stretching tired muscles but found he couldn't move, tilting his head to the side he saw Danny squeezed into his side and a smile formed on his lips at the sight. His baby still sleeps soundly without a care in the world. Trying not to disturb the sleeping beauty, he maneuvered his body until he disentangled himself from Danny. He climbed out of bed and returned the sheets to cover Danny's naked form, then he proceeded to pull his boxers back on and as quietly as possible, left the log cabin to go rampage in the kitchen in the main building for something to cook. 

Just as expected, nothing was in the refrigerator as nobody lived there, contemplating whether to go back to the room to pick up his clothes and wallet but that would be too noisy and he would end up waking his lover, he didn't want to do that but then he remembered he had taken his pants and shirt off in what used to be his old bedroom once he got to the mansion yesterday, then he had gone back outside to drop his phone and wallet into his car. Glad he didn't have to go back into the cabin. Louis rushed over to his room and found his clothing lying around carelessly. Remembering how crazy he went when he felt Danny's scent washing over him the second he walked into the mansion, he groaned but quickly knocked himself out of it. 

Now it's not the time.

After dressing, he went out into the compound and unlocked his car then he got in, just when he was about to turn the key his phone buzzed. Louis saw his father's face on the screen and hissed, they must be so worried, he's left his phone in the car the entire time. 

Who knows how many missed calls he's gotten since then. 

He picked up the phone and soon found out it was facetime.

"Hey, Dads!" He smiled grandly into the screen when he saw relief wash over their faces. "You both didn't think I died, did you?" He joked and Markus laughed but Dan grunted annoyingly. 

"You silly boy, you nearly gave us a heart attack. Where have you both kept your phones this entire time?" Markus asked.

"Left it in the car, I'm so sorry." He apologized, pulling away from the drive.

"Where are you going?" Dan asked.

"To the supermarket, I need to make breakfast before my love wakes up." 

"Why does that sound so familiar?" Markus asked, staring into his husband's face. 

"Hey, don't look at him," Daniels cautioned.

"Hmm, it's something I've heard you say a billion of times over the years, whenever you'd--" 

"Alright, that's enough, don't corrupt our kid." Daniels tried to break his words off before he went any further.

"Corrupt you say? Look at that face, he's glowing, Daniel. You think he needs our help, seriously, babe?" They both laughed, but a frown soon came on their faces when they heard the doorbell ring. "Go get the door!" 

"Hey, why do I have to go?" Daniels whined but went anyway. 

"Hold on baby." Markus told their son, "Who is it, honey?"

His voice was a bit distant when he replied. "It's another disturbed Dad!" 

"Oh, that's DJ, he was worried but not as much as we were, he said you both were alright but that didn't stop us all from worrying, none of you both would take your calls!" Markus went on to speak.

"I'm sorry, Dad."

"Is that Louis?" DJ asked, coming over to the phone, "Hey, mister, where is my son and what have you done to him?" He asked, glaring into the camera. 

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