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Chapter. 50.

"Yo, Lev! You in here?" Owen's voice boomed across the trees and Louis was quick to cover his lover up with his discarded shorts before the boy reached them. He was naked but he didn't mind his own nakedness, Danny's nakedness was his alone to behold.

"What's up?" He asked, gathering his love nicely into his embrace, large hands shielding Danny's body the most he could. 

"Your phone been blowing up this entire time!" Owen tossed the gold gadget to him and Louis caught it with ease. "Shit!" He hissed when he saw who had been calling. Danny tilted his head to lock gaze with him. 

"What is it?" He asked, concerned but Louis was already returning his missed calls.

"Hey, JC, you back in town?" He asked.

"Yeah, buddy, where did you keep your phone?" JC asked amused.

"Sorry, I," Levon smirked and Danny giggled lightly. 

"Ah, I get it now," JC knew what he meant, Louis never changed one bit. "Is he okay?" He asked, Louis, didn't miss the smile that followed the question. He chuckled calmly, his eyes met those of his lover and he whispered.

"Are you alright, my love?" Danny nodded and he smiled then returned to his phone call. "He's great, JC, I took absolute good care of him." Louis kissed Danny's wet hair and smiled into his lover's eyes. 

"Could you come into my office right now, there is something I need you to look at?" 

"Of course…"

"Sending you the address."

"Thanks, mate." The call came to an end. "Turn around," he told Owen who turned around with both hands raised into the air. 

Louis got his lover dressed then got into his own shorts. 

"All good." He exclaimed and Owen turned back around with a grin on his face. "Take care of Dylon for me. I need to see JC real quick, drive him and his sister home once you're all done here or if he's ready to leave." He ordered Owen who nodded. "I'll see you at your house once I'm done with JC, okay, my love." Danny nodded his understanding and Louis turned to leave but quickly faced Owen with one more warning. "Do not let him out of your sight and get him a shirt while you're at it." With that said he hurried out of the woods. 

Owen took Danny back to the plain fields, he gave him a clean T-shirt from his backpack and left him seated to recover while he went in search of his sister. "I'll get Draya, you cool on your own?" He asked, concerned and Danny laughed. 

"I'm fine, ignore Lou-" he snickered and lowered his head. He was going to say Louis but Owen didn't know who Louis was. "Ignore Levon, I'm okay, I can take care of myself." He sounded a lot convincing and Owen nodded. 

"Cool, be back soon." 

Danny watched him run the other way and he sat slumped into the chair, breathing in as much needed air. Fuck, he was starting to miss Louis already. Where had Louis dropped the backpack he had brought with him? His eyes scanned the area and he soon found the bag lying a few feet away from him. Slowly he rose and went to pick it up, searching through the bag he found his phone with one single text message flashing on the screen. 

I miss you too, now don't think too much, I need to be sane while I listen to what JC had to say, okay. 

He read the text and a smile graced his beautiful swollen lips. 

Okay, Daddy. 

He texted back, his heart throbbed when he felt Louis's emotions on reading his reply. 

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