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Chapter. 41.

Once Danny dropped the call he tossed his phone aside and got naked, eager to get into the bathroom and get clean. 

His father had done quite a great job at keeping the mansion down to his favorite log cabin clean and running. Last night he had asked his father if he gave out the log cabin for rentals too but DJ had told him he couldn't give it up, he said the place held too many memories but the rest of the compound was used. 

Danny, on getting to the mansion, memories flooded him, he felt the shift in the air as Danny fully emerged to take in the home where it had all begun. He didn't waste time checking room after room, rather he quickly went out back and over to his log cabin with the keys his father had given him, he unlocked and went in. The place was still the same, the old woods gave out a peaceful scent and it soothes him. Then he reached for his phone and dialed his lover. He yearned for Louis. He wanted Louis to come take him. Right there in this old Log cabin where he had first taken him.

Once again this cabin would be his first with Louis. 

He took his time washing up with the health products he had brought with him. Nobody wants a messy first time, which was why he didn't give in to Louis last night after the dance. He fought against the aching as hard as he could and once he reached home, he met his father and demanded he told him how and what he needed to do. DJ didn't know very much himself but together both father and son had browsed through the internet for the information they sought. 

Danny chuckled when he remembered his father throwing a glance his way then asked him who was bottoming and he without any doubt said he was. His father's eyes bulged but that was the end of the conversation. 

DJ wasn't surprised as he still remembered vividly the night he had caught them in the Log cabin. Terrible Louis had caught him lurking behind a tree that night.

It was such a long time.

How quickly fate shifts.

DJ also took his son to the store that night to get him all he needed including condoms along with many warnings. 

Danny in turn had made him promise he wouldn't tell Louis about his plan to go to the mansion once he's received his diploma and from Louis's voice on the phone a while ago, he knew his father had kept the promise.

They were soulmates. 

He should be able to find him.


Danny paced the floor of the cabin's one room, glancing at the door every few seconds. He could feel Louis's soul nearby, and his hands were starting to sweat at what was about to happen. Something had shifted in the air once he got dressed and ready for his lover and Danny could almost taste the power of his soulmate. He was getting closer, he found him and he was hungry.

"Louis," Danny salivated. He tried to sit on the bed but found staying still too uncomfortable. His soul was about out of his body and the bond was growing stronger between him and Louis as the level of need rose. He'd never known this kind of torture before; being so close, yet so far away, so in need, he was going nuts.

He knew Louis was within the premises. The urge to go in search of him was overpowering, but he resisted the best he could.

The plan was for Louis to come get him.

Suddenly flushed with heat, Danny pulled his shirt off and fanned his face before pushing his hair out of his eyes.

Why had he even bothered to dress up?

Souls Entwined (He Is The One. My One ✔) Where stories live. Discover now