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Chapter. 53.

Someone she trusted and perhaps loved.

And Denis wasn't that person, he knew because he's investigated well, he's also found out the boy in question was present in the class when she had fallen. 

Vera, however, was not in the class but she had provided a perfect alibi that backed her up pretty nicely. 

A teacher and the principal, both claimed she had been in detention, three other troublemaker boys were present and a video recording had even been shown of them being present in the room at the time Jenny Jean fell. 

Something didn't add up. 

Something wasn't right.

He hoped JC would figure it out. 

He gave him all his life findings and he trusts him completely, he's heard great tales about the man, although he's been in three failed marriages, he believes him to be loyal with his work and dedication to finding justice and most importantly know how to uncover hidden secrets. 

"Arthur? Arthur?!" The boy jolted from his desk to find Marshall standing in front of his desk. 

"I'm sorry, how long was I out?" He wasn't sleeping, just deep in his thoughts. 

"Not too long but JC requested that you see him in his office."

Rushing back onto his feet the boy smoothened his shirt and pants then adjusted his tie. "Thanks, man." He bowed and made to leave.

"Uh, are you alright?" Marshall asked.

"Y-Yeah," he cracked a smile. Arthur knew he didn't sound so very convincing but he was glad when the man didn't chase it any further. 

"You-You've got a little something here?" The man showed him by touching the side of his own face. Arthur wiped at his eyes, he felt the still obvious wetness there and he knew he had been crying while his heart took a trip down memory lane. No wonder he asked if he was alright.

"T-Thanks, I'm fine," he nodded towards the man again, this time he hurriedly walked away.

"See you around!" Marshall waved and walked back to his office.

Arthur made it to the office to find JC and another younger boy seated comfortably and chatting away calmly. 

Must be the one he had told him about.

"Come on in!" JC waved him in and he walked into the room, acknowledging Louis with a bow but the boy offered him a handshake which he took with a smile. 

"I'm Levon and JC has told me so much about you." 

Arthur smiled, Damn the boy was by far the most handsome young man he's ever seen. "Arthur, and it's nice to meet you too." Levon let his grip slide from Arthur's hand and the older man stared at his hand, amazed by the strength of the boy. Levon's grip was strong. 

All the while they talked JC didn't take his eyes off the young man not once.


"He has something to say about your folder," JC told him with a smile. 

"Really?" The excitement in his voice didn't go unnoticed. 

"Yeah, the loophole you're looking for is that damn camera," Levon told him.

"The camera?" Arthur asked, confused, had he missed something? He had given JC everything. 

"Yes, the recording is all fake. The real recording was tampered with and they made this piece of trash to fool everybody giving an alibi to Vera. That bitch wasn't in detention." 

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