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Chapter: 77

"Why Dal and not Denis?" Danny inquired brokenly, his voice weak and cracked but he managed. 

Keller threw him a knowing smile and the boy forgot how to breathe. He began to gasp and cough, Louis grabbed him by the neck and whispered into his ear, reminding him to breathe and while he took breathing lessons, JC went on to explain further.

"Louis didn't tell you? Well, he confirmed to have seen Denis locked away with you. He was in another room, bruised and bleeding which is why I am concerned about how hurt Louis described him to be when he saw him so it's very unlikely that he had escaped on his own or could have a thing to do with what happened to you." 

"And Dalton is involved how? He's our best friend for fucks sake!" Keller was getting angry. He didn't like the accusing tone in JC's voice and with the looks on Dylon's face, he knew the boy didn't appreciate that as well. Dalton might be a whole lot of things but he would never do such a thing to Dylon, at a point he had thought Dalton had a little man-crush on Dylon with how closely he often clung to him like he was seeking the warmth he couldn't find anywhere else. The only person who could calm him down was Dylon. To think that JC suspects someone like that to have delivered Dylon to where he would be badly hurt and near-death is just unimaginable. Neither he nor Danny could see through the possibility of that happening. 

"He was the last person Dylon saw before he was knocked out cold and taken. He led Dylon to that place on purpose and left him there, he didn't tell you guys what happened all the while he pretended to be a party in his search, he was with us all that time until the last minute when he knew Dylon was coming back then he disappeared. Doesn't that seem a little too suspicious to you two? I mean he has to know something." 

"Given that as it may, there has to be a reason behind his actions, and knowing Dalton for as long as we have known him, he would never intentionally hurt Dylon so heartlessly." Keller disagreed.

"Kel is right, that's out of Dalton's character. He wouldn't do that to me." 

JC groaned helplessly, eyes seeking Louis for help. The idiot was more concerned for his dick than in their conversation although he knows without a doubt that Louis is very much aware of what they talked about, he is just not butting in, probably analyzing their suspicions. JC could still use a little of his help right about now. He never thought it would be this difficult getting through to both boys. Well, when they get to know what he knows, he is sure they would have a rethink.

"We never can truly tell how deeply a human intent runs. Every little thing he did after Dylon's disappearance I thought over and it all came out as suspicious. He knew something, he was aware of the whole plot, he led Dylon to Vera, that is a fact." 

"It doesn't matter, he is Dalton, I know him, he would never do that to me. And yes, he may have been the last person who saw me before I got hit in the head still doesn't mean he deliberately led me into the hands of that bitch, it's just not something he would do, I'm sorry but I don't buy into this accusations as well--" his voice broke into throaty moans, the rest of his words swallowed and quickly forgotten. For a moment there he seemed to have forgotten Louis was still buried deep inside of him. He tilted his head, exposing his flushed neck to Louis who camped on the sensitive skin and sucked harder on it. 

Louis didn't want to argue with the love of his life but he knew JC found something which is why he made the statement and he trusts the man. JC wouldn't make random accusations if there wasn't any actual proof but Keller and Dylon aren't ready to pick up on whatever he was throwing, they refuse to see Dalton as anything less but a true friend. Things like this aren't easily accepted. He would throw a fist if anyone told him Owen had betrayed him, he hadn't known the boy for so long but he has proved his loyalty in more ways than one then how much more someone who most likely grew up together as friends. 

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