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Chapter. 49.

Something was definitely wrong with him because even with his warnings, Danny couldn’t stop thinking about Louis and his body moved in his direction if he swam away for even a second. He could still feel his lips pumping up and down his cock from this morning and his impossibly large finger prodding at his entrance like he was still in their bed. His free hand would glide up his stomach and his fingers would spread until they whispered over his nipples. His hair glinted almost golden with the sun and his imposing body covered his legs like a cat waiting to pounce.

Louis shouted something to his friends but Danny was too far gone in his head to even hear him or what he had said to them. But he did hear his sister giggling. His daydream shattered when Louis's hands grabbed at him and pulled him out of the water. He didn't stop but continued to drag him farther away from the creek and deeper into the woods, the tall trees creating a canopy above while rays of sunset defined their surroundings as nothing less but serene. They tread upon beds of greens, with Louis pulling and him stumbling on every step.

Louis pulled him behind the thick cut of trees to their right. Danny's back slammed into a large trunk and he moaned so loud he had to suck in a breath to relieve himself of the pressure in his chest.

"I…" Louis gasped.  "I…warned you." He ripped Danny's shorts down the middle and fell to his knees, his wet hair glued to his neck and shoulders, beautifully.

What was this between them?

He and Louis were connected and every breath Louis took, he could feel it. Louis was going to be inside of him and instead of begging for release, he wanted it to last. He wanted Louis in him forever. 

Holy shit, breathing was harder to do all of a sudden and the cold around him felt like Miami on his skin. His shorts were yanked down, exposing his hard shaft to the formerly frigid air. Cranking up the heat to a sweltering level, Louis greedily guided Danny's cock into his own mouth; his luscious warmth like an eye-popping mind fuck.

"Yes. Oh, Lou, yes…" Danny gasped and combed his fingers through Louis's hair to make him know how good this felt. Danny wanted him to feel appreciated and couldn’t help feeling selfish that he had done all the work last night and this morning and right now. But when Louis's tongue flicked across his cock head, boy did he stop worrying altogether. Beaming brown eyes narrowed and he grinned around him, sliding his length all the way into his mouth, while Danny made groaning noises that zombies could only aspire to.

Gripping the tree behind him with one hand, Louis swung one of Danny's legs over his shoulder. They couldn’t get close enough, nothing was satisfying Danny's hunger. As much as he loved Louis's mouth on him, they both knew what they needed. Danny's cock hit his stomach when Louis let go of him and immediately Danny turned around and planted his palms on the tree with his ass out.

Louis said nothing but Danny heard his shorts being pulled down. A slick hand lubed up his entrance but there was no preparation. One moment and a heartbeat later was all Danny had before Louis was pushing into him. Danny's face was against the tree, Louis's hand gripped his hair and he slammed into him. 

Danny thought he was screaming but he couldn’t tell for sure. All he could really hear was his heavy breathing and the buzzing in his ears. Danny's eyes rolled somewhere into his head and Louis's hand was on his own cock before he knew it. Together they worked his body good and hard. Louis reached underneath his lover and pulled on his nipple violently.

"My Heart," he growled. "What are you doing to me?" Danny shuddered at the sound of his voice. It sounded something feral. "Tell me, Lover... Feel what you do to me inside of you," his gravelly voice ended with a bite to Danny's neck and he cried out with a strangled sound.

"Harder!" Danny bellowed and heard the forest animals scatter away from them. Everything else was forgotten as he arched his ass higher into Louis and he pulled his hips back to meet his perfect body like they were a well-oiled machine. No one would ever take him like this. They were raw. This was sacred. They were mated... Body and Soul.

Louis's fingers bruised him and he took every ounce of pain because he wanted him to leave more marks. He wanted more prints of his lover's hands on his skin. His love bites along with many other and all sorts of marks Louis intends to gift upon his skin. He wanted his skin flawed with his lover's prints. He wanted them inked in place so he would always see Louis on him. He would in turn wear them around with pride.

"My Heart, no more. Stop thinking or I will not last!” Louis cried and they slid to the forest floor; Danny on his hands and knees and Louis going at him from behind. Louis was inside his widened knees and Danny loved when he met him skin to skin; brushing against his balls from behind. Danny wanted to turn around and taste him so bad but he was way too gone to be told what to do and Danny was enjoying the ride.

At the last second Louis yanked his hair back and pulled him to his knees. Rising to his feet he pushed Danny's head back and he opened his mouth, knowing exactly where this was going. Grabbing hold of his thick cock, Danny directed his release onto his waiting tongue and pumped his lover's length. Rope after rope of Louis's seed flowed into his mouth and Danny watched his hungry eyes on him as he tasted him for the first time. Like sweat and salt, yet sweet and addicting. Danny couldn’t get enough and sucked three inches of his lover's shaft between his lips and swirled his tongue around him. 

Louis's cream filled his mouth and ran down his throat, barely giving him time to swallow. But Danny could die from choking and it would be the best death ever as he watched his approving eyes from above. Louis's grip loosened into soft strokes through Danny's hair and he pushed it back away from his face. What had started out a fury of need had again turned into something tender and oh, so loving.

There was that word again. Born for him. Born to love just him. He had made mistakes, loved and slept with people from before and nearly with Vera. But, Louis has loved no other and had slept with no other but him in both lives and it seems he would love him for all eternity for he was indeed Born To Love Only Him.

What love is this?

Danny's head began to pound and his body shook slightly.

"Shh. No thinking, it makes you anxious and then makes me anxious." Louis twisted his hair around his finger and Danny let him go from his lips. 


“Sorry,” Danny sighed and put his head down with his hands covering his aching need.

"You worry too much, my love, yes, you got that right, I am for you, and only you and I wouldn't have it any other way." Louis slowly crouched and rocked onto his knees, smoothing his hands over Danny's shoulders and down his arms. "Forget about what has happened and let's focus entirely now on us. Let me love you as I have always yearned to love you. Let me worry for you. Let me carry all your burden, I am strong enough, my love." Danny clung unto him and their lips met. Louis kissed him with a feverish need and Danny began to shoot his seed all over their bodies for the second time. "I love you, Danny."

"I love you very much, Louis." 

"Yo, Lev! You in here?" Owen's voice boomed across the trees and Louis was quick to cover his lover up with his discarded shorts before the boy reached them. He was naked but he didn't mind his own nakedness, Danny's nakedness was his alone to behold.


Last one for today, guys.

Dylon got his, I think it's time I go get myself a nice glass of chilled whatever...

See you all tomorrow.

Love. AK

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