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Chapter. 29.

Dylon continued to stare at his lover, feeling an entire range of emotions that are so conflicting it makes his head spin. He's so relieved that Levon is going to be alright, that the person who had shot at him hadn't succeeded. He's happy to see him awake, even if he hadn't remembered him now, he didn't even remember his own name. But, at this time he was afraid for him to wake up again, because the second he's awake and aware enough to remember what had happened, he'll have to deal with the fallout from their fights. 

He's afraid Levon will never want to see him again after what happened between them and he doesn't know what he'd do if Levon should tell him that. He's never regretted anything more than he regrets what he's done to Levon. How badly he had hurt him over and over and wouldn't stop until he had almost lost him.

Would he have given in to his lover if he hadn't gotten into that crash?

Would he have continued to push him away?

He shook his head, trying to shove those thoughts away from his mind. He can worry about all that once Levon is aware enough to bring it up, and until then he's going to focus instead on the good news about Levon's recovery. He doesn't have words to describe how happy he was knowing he had finally woken up.


First thing Levon recognized once his eyes were open was how horribly his body aches, it was so bad he could hardly move his limbs. He felt heavy and numb like he's been cut open, his bones taken out and replaced by metal rods and they weigh him down, making him weak and tired. Once he's lost the battle trying to move his body, he settles on opening his eyes, only to be met with the most blinding light he's ever seen.

He squinted and flinched away, his eyes watering instantly at the harsh awakening. It takes a bit for him to be able to open his eyes completely, and when he finally does everything still looks like a blurry, overly colorful mess. His eyes took minutes to focus, but once he's finally able to adjust to the very bright light in the room and the contrast from the colors of the inside of his eyelids, the first thing he notices is a blurry figure sitting beside his bed, watching him with bated breath as he struggles to transition back into the waking world.

He squints yet again, trying to make out who it was, and tries to blink away the irritating tears that had already gathered in response to the stimulation. It takes a few minutes of tense silence, but eventually, he's able to see clearly enough to catch sight of a familiar face. 

Although, he hadn't remembered his name at first but the longer he stared at him the more his memories cleared out and he remembered.


The thought of his name came with an unwanted wave of anger.

What was he doing there? Wasn't he the one who didn't want him or anything to do with him?

His reaction at seeing the boy at first was happiness, relief, and a lot of comforts just like it always has been whenever he was near Danny and he nearly offered him a small smile before memories began flooding his mind, echoing repetitions of Dylon's hate-filled words, flashes of his hateful glares and infuriated yelling and then suddenly all the emotional pain from before he had gotten hit and crashed slammed into him with the force of a crashing truck ladened with woods. 

And then Levon realizes he doesn't want Dylon anywhere near him. The wounds are still too fresh. Just seeing him hurts all over again. Dylon's words are still ringing in his ears, and his betrayal is still at the forefront of his mind. He had chosen a dumb whore over him. He had hit him. He hurt him in a way that only he could, he hit a layer so deep in him that Dylon was the only one who could reach it. Anyone else would say things to him he wouldn't even give a care in the world about but when it came to Danny, the one he's loved completely and without hesitation, it hit differently. 

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