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Chapter. 60.

JC's eyes fell on Arthur watching him from the back of the car. They need to find answers and fast before Louis goes rough on them again. If he knew the boy well, Louis is always very impatient when it involves Danny. He becomes a different person who one finds difficult to connect or reason with. Eventually, he calms down and gets the job done.

"Get started," JC instructed and the boy nodded.

"Yes, sir!" He held the trunk open and pulled out the laptop, shutting the trunk he returned to the car and sat at the back seats while flipping the laptop open. JC has finally given him what he loves doing. It's time he did some dirty digging, time to expose Vera for who she truly was. 

JC found Louis pacing, he knew the boy was restless, not knowing how severe Danny's injuries were or being able to help so he doesn't suffer alone didn't help his agitation and he doesn't blame him for lashing out on them. He was hurting beyond words and he knew that. So he walked towards him. He was going to try to comfort him the best he knows how. 

"We need to get back to the office," he started but hissed when Louis threw him a rather disgusting look as if he had utter world-abominable from his mouth. "What?" JC inquired, surprised.

"What makes you think I would leave here?" Louis demanded and JC stared at him incredulously. 

"You're not serious...," JC held his gaze for another few seconds and when realization hit him, like a brick atop his head, he gasped. "You are serious," he exhaled. Time to bring out the big guns or this idiot would truly remain at this spot. "You can't be here, it's dangerous out here, and need I remind you that we are in the middle of no-fucking-where. Where do you know you'll go from here, huh? Danny has long stopped feeding you his location through your link the last two hours so it's only wise if we return and attend to other matters which might help us get what we need!" 

"Fuck you, JC, I'm not leaving!"

"I swear to God Louis if you don't get your ass into that car, I'm gonna have to drag you in myself!" 

"I'm not leaving, he will open up to me at some point." Even if he doesn't see that happening anytime soon, he still didn't intend to leave. This was the last place Danny led him to, though they have walked nearly around the entire place and didn't find anything, he still feels Danny could be close, maybe closer than he even knew it.

"You think?!" JC asked, "I know Louis to be reasonable but this Louis has been such a dickhead and unsensible and I wonder what you've done with the Louis I know." 

"Don't forget I'm also Levon!" The boy snapped back. 

"Bullcrap!" JC yelled, coming to stand in front of the boy so he could look him in the eyes. "Levon is just a name, you've never been Levon not once in your entire life because since you were a toddler you have lived your life for Danny, you bore his pain, ache, all of it, you've always been Louis and you will always be Louis now shut that piehole of yours and get in the fucking car so we can pay Mayor Kingston a visit!" 

That seemed to have done it as the boy heaved a sigh and turned towards the car, without further argument he got into the car and forcefully shut the door. 

JC breathed a sigh of relief and walked over to his car. 

Glad that worked.

He was starting to wonder whether he still had those ropes in his trunk to tie the silly boy up if he insisted on staying one more time.

It hurts talking to him like that but Louis needed to hear the truth. As much as he loves Danny he needs to calm down and let his soul guard them both. 

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