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Hello, guys, thank you, thank you, thank you all so freaking much for coming with me on this adventure. I had so much fun working with you guys on this book and now I bid thee farewell.

But, I have an Epilogue coming, just a sneak peek into their lives after college and how marriage life is treating our two love birds.

Until then, my love to you all for your constant supports, votes, comments, reads all the love.

Thank you all so much once again.

Stay tuned for the Epilogue (Eight Years Later) I love you all from the heart of my bottom and yes I wrote that correctly don't tell me otherwise. Haha...

Take care, y'all.

See you next book.

I'll let you know what next I'll be working on, on my book for thoughts.

Lots of Love, happiness, peace, and health to you all.

Stay safe. 


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