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Chapter. 46.

Once they were all dressed and ready, Danny noticed he couldn't stop staring at Louis. They both wore the same outfit but Louis looked extra sexy and Danny couldn't help himself.

"You don't want to leave?" Louis gulped, a large hand palming the small of Danny's back. The boy has been staring for far too long; it's driving him insane.

Sweat broke out on Danny's forehead and his hands ached to roam Louis's body, to feel his heartbeat so it would calm his own, "No. Not that, it's just, you're unbearably handsome and I can't help myself." 

"My love..." He pulled Danny's face to his and kissed him. It wasn't sweet or gentle. It was full of fire, sending heat throughout Danny's entire body. Louis pulled his body tight against his when Danny opened his mouth to let him in. His tongue lapped at Danny's, sucking it into his mouth, before letting him take over. Danny craved him something fierce, tasting him for all he was worth, letting his all-natural sugary flavor roll across his taste buds. Louis's hands gripped him harder, making sure he didn't escape, while his mouth made love to him.

Danny knew they needed to get going but he didn't care, the boys will have to wait because Louis was all he wanted at this moment. 

Ever since this morning when he had first woken tangled up in Louis's embrace, he couldn’t keep his hands off him, and well, Louis couldn’t stop touching him either. Then he fell back asleep and when he woke up again, his baby was gone, taking his precious body warmth with him, he felt cold and the room empty without him. He rushed out looking for him but found his car gone then he figured he may have gone to get something.

Taking that as an opportunity to wash up, he went into the bathroom to get ready. Once he returned to the mansion again, Louis was there creating a mess in the kitchen. His love for Louis grew as well as his senses of him, while he wiped soup stain from the side of his lips this morning, he had noticed the needs in his lover's eyes grew more intensely and thus he had gone over to hug him before the chocolate mess and the breathtaking sex. The bond between them had an insatiable naughty streak. 

Louis’s arms went around his waist and his thumbs skimmed under Danny's T-shirt scraping away all the crazy thoughts from before but then Louis pulled away, smiling when Danny whined. 

"We really should leave now, baby and you have to call your parents, they're worried." That seems to have snapped him out of his sex-crazed-frenzy and the boy grabbed his phone and quickly dialed his mother's number, Louis laughed and pulled him on his free hand as he led him out of the cabin into the main building and outside to his parked car. 

All the while Danny spoke to his mother and father, Draya threw insults every once in a while at her twin. 


A knock on his office door had the man taking his eyes away from his computer to welcome whoever it was. "Come on in." He beckoned to the handsome tall young man. "You must be the new intern." He spoke softly as the man moved into the room, with his head bowed slightly he nodded.

JC had only returned the night before and had contacted DJ who told him Danny and Louis were together so he, in turn, decided against calling his friend in order not to ruin whatever it is they could possibly be having, he did intend to call him later today since there has been some development in the case at hand.

"Yes, sir, I am, Good afternoon." Arthur greeted and walked over to sit facing the man. 


"Arthur..., Arthur Miller Jones, Sir." 

"Well, you're welcome. I hope you'll take your internship very seriously and excel greatly by the end." 

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