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Chapter. 20.

"Who?" She was confused. That name sounded oddly familiar. 

"It was Louis." He told her once again. 

"But, who is this Louis and why does it feel like I have heard that name mentioned in this house before?" She frowned.

"Because Louis was my late brother's name who had died along with my father, his step-father whom he loved greatly above all else." The twins turned to find their parents standing at the foot of the stairs, DJ had tears flooding his eyes as he met his son's eyes.

He was terrified to ask his next question but he needed to be certain. 

Both he and his wife had walked out of their bedroom last night and had walked to their son's locked door, they knocked for what seemed like forever but the boy didn't open it for them. 

It was when they had given up on knocking and had decided to retire back to their bedroom had they both heard him moaning Louis over and over and over again.

DJ's blood ran cold as he heard that name mentioned on repeat.

He wondered if it was his own Louis or had his son met someone who went by the same name. The name that left an unforgettable mark in his life. 

He was going to talk with his son when he saw him that morning until he and his wife walked in on the twins talking about the same matter he was going to discuss with Dylon that morning. They had both been standing at the foot of the stairs and had listened into all their conversation from Dylon feeling his pain to the current conversation.

There was so much going on in DJ's head and he couldn't process them all at once.

Even if he felt like he already knew, which Louis their son moaned last night, DJ still needed to ask but what he didn't know was the other truth that came with this sudden revelation.


"Come with me." He had beckoned his kids and they followed him down the stairs and into the living room where they had all taken a sitting position.

It was time they had that conversation Dylon ran away from for so long. 

Draya sat with their mother's arms holding her comfortingly while Dylon sat facing their father.

DJ breathed in a much-needed air as if he was preparing his heart for whatever the outcome of this conversation may be.

"Was it all a dream?" Was the first question he had asked?

"Y-yes... No... I don't know anymore." Dylon muttered, he was confused. He could still feel his used hole twitch from that dream. Normally, Louis often prepped him but last night, he had buried himself without getting him ready. Was that on purpose or was he trying to tell him something? But one thing was certain, he met his father's eyes before replying once again. "I know one thing for sure, he couldn't have been in the room with me. I don't even know if he is still alive or dead!" He broke down. 

"What do you mean?" DJ grew more curious than before. 

"He came back, he came back for me, Dad..." He cuts himself off with a gasp, his aching lungs finally taking control over his breathing to haul enough air into his body, and he realizes this conversation was going to hurt a lot more if he went on with it. 

"He came back for you?" DJ couldn't help his tears as they slipped down his face. The dots were connecting but he didn't want to connect them all himself, he still needed clarity. "For you, as in for D-Danny?" When his son met his eyes, DJ broke down in streams. 

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