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Chapter. 18.

When Dylon woke up the next morning, it was to an intense and immediate pain that stirred him out of slumber much too early in the morning. He whines involuntarily as he laid in bed, stunned by the feelings rapidly taken over his entire being. There is a deep, aching pain in his chest, one that causes the back of his throat to burn uncomfortably with tears that he doesn't feel the need to shed, and his muscles were sore from being so tense he could hardly move a limb.

He groans as he moves his stiff limbs slightly, feeling like he's being weighed down by an unseen force restricting his movement against his will and pinning him down against the bed. He felt a pang of sadness run through him as soon as he was able to focus enough to think past the pain. He knew that the feelings were a response to his heart bearing too much pain, both his and Levon's. He hasn't felt anything like this before. He thought he was going to die once his feet somehow managed to drag themselves home.

How had he even gotten home yesterday?

His heart felt heavy.

He had hurt Levon so badly, his words had been so merciless that they slashed through Levon's heart without a second thought.

What kind of a monster was he?

Trying to recall the blurred memories from the previous day, he laid still and shut his eyes, trying to avoid that scene at the road or he wouldn't be able to breathe normally.


Having made it home, he had by-passed his mother who was busy in the kitchen and had barely said a word to her. He walked up the stairs down the hallway and into his bedroom. The moment his feet touched the soft carpet in his room, he shoved his door closed and locked it so he wasn't interrupted by his mother who he was certain would come looking for him any second.

School was still in session and he had obviously skipped school and had returned home without his backpack. She had seen him walk into the room but she hadn't dashed after him just immediately since she was trying to get things done, something that could have gone to ruin if she had left the kitchen to come speak with her son so Dylon had to hurry up with his plans before she came knocking at his door.

His feet took him to the nightstand, slowly he shoved his drawer open, reaching inside he found what he sought after then shut the drawer before staring at his reflection in the mirror along with the sleeping pills bottle in his hand.

He looked different. Like a freshly dug-up dead body, his face looked so pale, so white, he looked no less than a makeshift zombie. He had sunken red eyes filled with tears that rolled down his face steadily and in an orderly fashion too.

Haven't decided on what's best to do, believing that Louis had died, knowing he had no life without him, especially when he had so ruthlessly deprived his soulmate his own life, Dylon choked on a sob threatening to rip from within him, his throat tightened, eyes clamped shut as more tears flowed peacefully through shut lids.

In his urgency to be with Louis, he emptied the bottle. He put the glass down and felt that presence lurking beside him. He was used to that shadow, knowing that Louis even in death still bothered to visit him, melted his heart and his pain grew at the thought.

Calmly he sought his bed and climbed in, thinking he was finally going to fall asleep and never wake up to an empty world without him, Dylon had shut his eyes.

Standing tall hovering over him was the presence of the one whom he had so heartlessly betrayed, he watched Levon's beautiful lips pulled in a gentle smile.

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