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Chapter. 25.

Vera's heels clicked on the ground beneath her as she strides down the sidewalk, feeling soaked from hate and frustration from the way Dylon had treated her. She could see her reflection out the corner of her eyes in the shop windows, bright pink crop-top with matching lipstick. She foams in anger. How could he treat her that way but what annoyed her more was the fact that that idiot had missed the target.

How hard could it be to take someone down?

That fool and she had even fucked him as payment. She went dirty on a complete dweeb for nothing. She had wanted Levon gone so she could have Dylon's focus directed completely on her, but it backfired majorly. She knows she would have to kick it into high gear in order to draw Dylon's love and attention back to her. Levon thinks he has won this round, no, far from it. She always finds her way around. The only mystery in HillsBay is her and no one dares catch up to that mystery. She would destroy Levon, for making Dylon break up with her and for making the only friend who could bring her close to Dylon abandon her.

Remembering what had happened that afternoon, she let out trains of cuss words as she walked faster down the sidewalk.


"Dylon? You have a visitor in the waiting room."

Dylon barely hears the nurse's overly pleasant voice as she calls into the room, informing him of his sister's arrival. She had called to inform him that she was on her way with both his and Levon's school assignments for the day. He sighs and thanks her half-heartedly. He doesn't want to go out there. He doesn't want to see anyone, he doesn't want to have to talk to anyone or pretend that he's at all ok.

He just wanted to sit here in this room with the love of his life until he opened his eyes until Danny's soul finally settled with the knowledge that Louis has come back to him, but he knows he doesn't get that luxury. It's not like he deserves it anyway, and he can't ignore the other aspects of life that need to be taken care of. Their finale was just around the corner along with both his and Louis's birthday which had just happened to have fallen under the same date as their graduation.

Oh, how he desperately hoped Louis would get out of this soon so that he would ask and take him to the dance. He reluctantly forces himself to his feet, fighting against the very strong urge to sit back down and continue waiting.

Never wanting to miss the moment when his lover awakens to acknowledge his presence and to relax his haunted soul knowing that he was back in this world with him.


When he finally manages to get to his feet he speeds walks for the door, intent on getting this out of the way as quickly as possible so he would get back to his rightful place at Louis's bedside. It's a fair distance to the waiting room from Louis's room in the ER, but Dylon covered the distance in barely a minute, arriving at the entrance of the waiting room in a little too much of a rush.

His eyes found those of Vera's the second he steps out from behind the doors, and saying she looks unhappy would have been the understatement of the century. Her arms are crossed over her chest angrily, her jaw clenched as she stares blankly at the wall in front of her, and the expression on her face almost makes Dylon stop dead in his tracks. It's not a look he thinks he's ever seen on her face before.

Even the day he had called it off with her, she didn't look close to how she looked now. She's obviously tense in her own little bubble world, and unhappy. He didn't even recall his sister telling him she was coming with her. He didn't want to see her. In fact, she was the last person he wanted to be looking at right now but he couldn't help his eyes as they wandered into Vera's; her eyes. They shine in anger and something that Dylon couldn't identify, something sharp and almost dangerous. It's a cold, analytical stare void of any emotions that Dylon had gotten used to seeing in her eyes the few weeks they're gone out together and it sends chills up his spine.

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