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Chapter. 16


Levon pulled back from the kiss before they were both fully healed. The strings pulling their entwined souls began to break loose once again.

Levon stared at the boy who had lost the will to fight but rather he stood panting with kiss swollen lips slightly parted and eyes piercing into those of Levon's tear-filled ones. 

Dylon was affected by that kiss, they both were and it left Levon wondering what could have happened to have made the boy hate him so.

Who was he trying to protect?

It couldn't be him.

It was his job to protect Danny but Danny doesn't want his protection.

He could tell Dylon didn't love Vera. He was only into her so he could get rid of him. He was right all along and Dylon didn't need to tell him that before he knew. 

Staring at that face he could see Danny staring back. 

"At night you begged for me, for my touch, my kiss, my dick, you cling onto me for dear life and whenever I pull away you want me to stay with you. I came back for you Danny, I came back because I made a promise on that hospital bed. I came back because I wanted to give you the best life, one you weren't able to get from before. I wanted to make things right for you. I took the pain. I took everything, I never wanted you to hurt in any way but in the end, you hurt and pushed me away." 

Levon watched the boy cry silently, his tears flowed like a peaceful river the more he spoke but it was okay.

He didn't want him, right?

"What about Denis?" Danny felt too ashamed to even have asked that. He pushed the boy into the arms of another. Why should he be concerned now?

"I don't love anyone but you, Danny. Denis kissed me first. I didn't even reciprocate and besides, you kissed that bitch too. I saw the whole thing!" Levon paused when he heard the boy hissed as if Levon knowing that he had kissed Vera killed him. 

Dylon was going to apologize. He was going to beg but then wouldn't that bring them back to the same circle. The one he had tried to break away from? 

Then all he had done would be for nothing and for what?

A kiss?


"Just tell me, one more time, that you hate me and I will walk away and never return." 

"I-I..." Dylon couldn't get his mouth to utter what his soul so desperately craves. His love for Levon was infinite but he doesn't want him anymore. He can't have him. There is no peace, no happiness if he stays with him. There was so much to remember. So much he would like to forget and he had tried to forget until he showed up in his life, opening closed wounds and they began to bleed again. There was only one solution to this madness and so he had to let him go. "I hate you and I don't want you anymore, Levon, go away and never come back." 

Guess Levon didn't actually believe he was going to say it considering he had fallen into that kiss a while ago. 

But that was all it was, wasn't it? 

Just a kiss. 

It meant nothing.

Danny was gone.

It's time Louis went away too.

Leaving Dylon by the roadside he made a turn for the driver's side. He was going to get into his car and drive straight home. Into his fathers arms, he would cry and cry until he had no more tears to give. He will try, as hard as it may seem, he will try to forget, he will move on and he will never return nor speak about Danny anymore. 

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