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Chapter: 71.

"You want to, don't you?" Danny murmurs, his breath hot on Louis's neck, teasing. "Please tell me you want to."

Louis wouldn't be fooling anyone if he said he didn't want to and he didn't see Danny letting him go even if he told him he didn't want to. Danny's wicked fingers brushing against heated skin made his breathing catch, eyes blur, and soul yearning. Danny was straddling him, with both legs on either side and hands around his neck, Louis felt trapped. He kept his hands on the bed still, fingers digging into the sheets in a hopeless attempt at not reaching to touch his seductive lover. It was a losing game, he knew that, but he still tried.

How had they even gotten here? He wondered with shuddered breath.

The doctor was already waiting at DJ's home as he requested while they drove out of the forest and once he got home, he had the doctor look at his lover, dressing his wounds which were healing pretty fast, so much so they didn't need to be stitched, it was amazing, then after the doctor had left them alone, he carried Danny into his bathroom and gave them both a nice warm bath, he got him dressed and while he changed into another of Danny's outfit he heard the boy whispering into his ear.

"You look so fucking sexy in my clothes. I wanna see how I would look in yours." Then very slowly he bit into his ear and Louis hissed. Danny has been extra flirtatious since the doctor left and he didn't want to return it, he still considered those wounds all over his lover's body.

Danny seemed to have calmed down by the time he was finished dressing him up then he carried him again downstairs so they both could have some food after which Danny told him he wanted to go back to their mansion, Louis didn't want to deny him anything and once again, he asked that Owen drive them there, Keller who didn't seem to want to separate from Owen followed them still.

They got to the mansion and Danny walked himself into Louis's old room, standing by his bed with arms folded, waiting for Louis to get in. The boy did after some time, he wasn't surprised Danny was in his old bedroom, he remembered countless times he had wanted to have the man locked away in this room from their previous life.

"Did you ever have the thought of making love to me in that bed, you know back then, when I was your step-father?"

The question halted Louis's steps and he stood by the door, glaring at his old bed. It didn't look a lot different from how he remembered it, only his paintings of Danny hanging on the walls were gone. Nothing in the mansion had been changed unless it was required. It's been so many years, other than the fact that the entire mansion looked like something out of the Victorian era, it still was home and held too many memories.

"I did, countless times, I've wanted to tie you up by those bedposts and left you there so your father wouldn't be able to reach you." Soft laughter left the boy's throat and he shook his head at the memories. "I was young but I wanted to do so many bad things with you." The smile was knocked out of his flushed face when he heard Danny inhale then very roughly yanked him further into the room, shoving him into a sitting position on the bed then straddling him before he could react.

And thus where he found himself now.

"I want you, Louis"

The soft, seductive voice sent him over the edge. His hands left the sheets so fast and were pressed against Danny's heated thighs. He squeezed them tightly and Danny cried out in both pain and pleasure, then Louis released the pressure just a tad bit and began rubbing his thighs gently as if soothing the burns he had inflicted on those sinful smooth thighs.

"Don't you want to?" He whispered into his ear yet again. "I'm hot, Louis, I can feel your soul within me, remember. I can hear your darkest deepest thoughts, my love, I see what you want to do to me, don't hold back, I want to feel you deeper than I've ever felt you before. I want your sex buried deeply inside of my warmth, I want my tears flowing once again from the pleasure you'd gift upon my burning body, calming my soul."

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