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Chapter: 82.

"How are you feeling, baby?"

How do you think I'm feeling, jerk!

He wanted to snap back at him but he paused his lips instead and nodded towards the man. His hand ceased the motion to grab another bottle as he got even closer.

Owen walked over to the younger man, his dark eyes glinting and a sly smile crossing his lips. "So, did you have fun this morning?"

"You're a jackass," Keller claimed and reached up to lift the collar of his turtleneck. "I'm going to have to wear ridiculous things while this heals."

Owen's eyes traced the marks and he flicked his tongue out over his lips. "Why hide them? It'll let everyone know you're off the market."

Keller shivered at the ravenous expression on the other's face. "Dylon knows I'm yours and I'm sure even Levon is aware from the way he looked at me this morning, he is your best friend, after all, give it today and everyone will know."

"As it should be from here on," Owen retorted possessively. He slipped his arm around the younger man's waist and bent so his breath blew hot on his cheek. "Now, I hope I met your expectations?"

Keller shuddered, eyes dilating as the memories of the morning spent helplessly at Owen's mercy flashed through his head. He leaned into Owen's taller frame. They made a stunning pair. Keller was shorter by a few inches and with curls that were a bit too long and expressive blue eyes. Owen was taller with a sturdier build; his eyes were near black and his dark brown hair cropped short enough to hide its natural wave.

"Is silence a no?" Owen prompted and nipped his jaw, stealing his mind back from its wanderings.

"It was scary. Not in an 'I never want to do it again' way, but...I never want it to end and I couldn't have asked for a better man."

Owen nuzzled him, lips brushing the bruises on his neck. "I couldn't have asked for a better lover too."

"Is it too early to say that I love you, Owen?"

"Never baby, and I love you too," Owen affirmed. He tilted the younger man's head and captured his lips, chuckling against Keller's mouth when he sucked on his tongue. As they pulled apart he gently chided, "you have other things to pick up."

Keller sighed, and then looked towards his crotch. "What about...?"

"You want it off?" Owen asked.

"It's sore." Keller pouted and then gasped when Owen captured his mouth again and bit down on his bottom lip. Owen's hand elicited a groan from him as he cupped the bulge in his jeans, and then another sounded in the aisle as the button released and the zipper lowered.

"I can loosen it," Owen offered.

"No!" Keller yelped, looking around them, so far they have been alone but this isn't a private place and anyone can walk into them. "Have you lost your mind!" He whispered, pulling his zipper back up and glaring into the smirking fool's eyes.

"Never had one baby, you made me crazy, I can't think straight when you look at me like that."

"You're an idiot, just like Levon, no wonder you two make a great pair."

"Wouldn't argue with that, we do make a great pair." Another yelp escaped his lips when Owen dragged him down the aisle and towards the restroom. He was shoving him into a stall and backing him into the wall before he could speak again.

"We-" his voice broke when he saw Owen on his knees facing his yet again unzipped jeans. His eyes danced as he took in the sight of Keller's tender cock locked up in the device. He slid his hand over it, grinning as the young man arched against him. "But how will you pay for the mercy?"

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