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Chapter: 84.

"Hello, Louis." The young man turned to find JC with Arthur behind him. 

"Well, I was starting to wonder when you two would show up." 

"I'm sorry, I had a little delay at the court, but all is settled now." 

"Grab a glass, DJ is about making a toast, we have been waiting for you two." 

"Excuse me," all three men turned to find DJ behind them. "I have something for you." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a box, handing it over to Louis he hugged the boy. "I kept it nice and safe." 

"Thank you, brother." He clasped his hand tightly around DJ and the man wasn't without a smile. 

"Let's toast." Louis nodded and walked away to find his lover.

"Hey, baby." He kissed Danny once he found him amidst the small crowd and the other smiled. 

"Hey yourself." 

"Gather around… Gather around everyone!" DJ called, a silver fork clinking against the champagne flute he held in his right hand and they all moved closer forming a circle. "It's been a long awful year. A lot of things have happened in the past few months. We got hurt, we cried, we laughed, we got scared shitless, but in all of this, I am glad we are all here today, alive and healthy. I would like to make a special toast to my brother, Louis, and my once father who by the power of the universe reincarnated as my son, Danny Dylon, soulmate to Louis Levon!" The little crowd made up of family and a few close friends cheered and drank from their glasses. 

It has indeed been quite the long journey they've had. 

"I love you." Danny whimpered when Louis whispered into his ear. Leaning into the bigger male, he smiled. 

"I love you too." His countenance changed and Louis didn't miss it. 

"What's wrong?" 

"It's Dal, all this new development makes me worry more about him." 

"I know, I worry too but there is very little we can do right now for him." 

"We need to find him. He gave our location away and it almost cost your life." 

"Hey, it's all in the past now. We are here. We are alive. That's all that matters." 

Danny nodded, "You're the best, Louis, always have been and always will be." He gasped when Louis went on his knee, pulling open the little red box, Danny couldn't help the tears slipping from his eyes. Remembering those sets of matching gold rings. It was just like yesterday, the memories flashing around his head, taking him back to that fateful day. 


"I know it's not officially your birthday until tomorrow but I would love to be the first to wish you." Danny watched as the younger man approached him with a small white box in both hands.

Danny reached for the gift and took it from him, with a smile and a few tears he tore the box open to find a beautiful gold ring. He eyed Louis and the younger boy showed him a matching band on his left finger. 

"But..." Danny started but stopped when he saw Louis took the ring from the box and gently fixed it on his middle right finger. 

"As long as you have it on." He whispered and wiped tears from Danny's eyes. Louis stepped back to pour them two flutes of sparkly bubbling drinks, then brought one to his lover. "Happy birthday!" He touched the tip of the glasses and they both downed their drinks in one go. Louis took the flutes and returned them to their formal position then he went to turn on his father's favorite music. 

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