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Chapter. 26.

She thought they were supposed to be best friends. Why would she want to speak to her brother in private? Maybe because she had arrived at the hospital without telling her. She had left them all at school so she could be here in time and even with all her effort, a nurse had gone to get Dylon who for some reason didn't show up until his sister appeared and now she's trying to take him away again.

The hospital was unusually empty, there weren't many people visiting that afternoon, and the few that were had already entered into their loved ones' rooms, leaving the hallways mostly empty except for the nurses rushing around. 

Vera doesn't particularly like the hospitals. The strange quietness of the building doesn't really help her apprehension, as it leaves the hospital feeling like the setting of horror movies more than anything else. She didn't care about the people who had ended up in this place nor did she care about the one she knew was in a coma but she was after the one she hadn't seen in days and she was worried about him.

He hadn't shown up in school.

He hadn't even bothered to give her a call since he ruthlessly broke her heart. He's even blocked her number so she couldn't call.

She heard he spends every waking breath at the foot of her enemy's bed. 

Someone she had wanted to rid Dylon of. 

From the second she saw Levon She knew he was competing and she hated competition.

She hated him from the day she had seen them both in the locker room, she had visited the coach and while leaving she had seen them. Levon was hugging Dylon from behind and what's worse, they were both shirtless.

They looked like one body the longer she stood there and stared.

Dylon's body was hers to touch, he belonged to her and just when she thought she was close enough to have him, he showed up. 

But it had all played out in her favor somehow and she didn't even have to lift a pin but now, because that fool has failed to kill him, Dylon was back to the one she wanted out of the way. 

It doesn't matter whether Dylon broke it off with her or not. She was here to see him and if possible win him back. She knew he must be tired from exhaustion and he would be needing all the good company he could get. She appeared to be the best and perfect option for him. After she had told the receptionist her reason for visiting they had directed her to the waiting room where she sat for what seemed like hours and in truth, it was but Dylon didn't come out to see her. She sat and waited for nothing, then Draya came and he suddenly appeared. She found her opportunity.


And now Draya thinks she can ruin her day by taking him away. "No offense here, Draya, but I've been waiting for Dylon to come out for a couple of hours now, long before you even came, so maybe you could wait for a little bit while we talk?" For a second, the three of them just start at each other, the tension among the small group mounting with every passing second.

Dylon eyes them both uneasily. He doesn't want it to seem as if he ditched Vera or ignored her, with the way Levon is now, he couldn't deal with more relationship problems. He's hurting too much to pile anything else on top of it. Not that he was about to take Vera's side, he had broken up with her but he also felt guilty for dragging her into his messed up theory of chasing happiness. It wasn't her fault that he had made bad decisions or that he had ended Levon in a hospital so why should he punish her further. He doesn't know what to say to either of them, they've been friends since freshman year so he just stares between them with a conflicted look on his face. 

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