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Chapter. 57.

"Look at me, you little fuck!" Her words were full of bile and hatred and Dylon tried to open his eyes, but his vision was all distorted, he could barely make out where her mouth ended and her eyes began. Her image was all over the place and he fought to keep his eyes focused and then he heard her laughing, it was the laughter of evil, it ripped his heart into shreds and for some reason rendered him motionless.

He could not stop hearing the sound of that mocking laughter and it drove his mind to wander into places he never wanted to revisit.

"You look miserable," she whispered once she's had her fill of her own laughter and for a moment there Dylon breathed a sigh of relief. "Awe, poor baby, look at you, I swear I didn't order them to take it this far but not to worry, the doctor will be here shortly." Her voice soothing as if she felt pity for him. Dylon at this point could steady his vision and his sight glued on the girl, slowly but effectively her image got clear. She looked good in all-black sparkly leather pants, jacket, and sports bra, her hair on a ponytail, she wore little makeup but the red lipgloss was far too notable and for a second he couldn't look away from her lips.

He wondered how he must look, he probably looks like shit, with bloodshot eyes and a couple of cuts on his face, his face could be swollen even. With teeth clashing into each other he peered painfully into her gaze. She smiled as she watched his lashes flutter as they tried to stay locked on her heated gaze. "With how terrible you look right now, you still manage to look so fucking handsome," her fingers stroked his face tenderly but the boy only flinched and moved away from her touch. "How you can pull off such a look even when you are this badly beaten up and dying, beats me…," the boy nearly lost it and threw up a second time when he saw the sickening smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Perhaps, it is one of the many reasons why I can't find myself letting you go. Your innocence and cuteness is something I can't help not thinking about."

"Vera," He managed to speak, his voice hoarse and alien even to his own ears. It felt as if he hadn't heard his own voice in ages and his heart ached from what they had done to him. To think, she would be behind this. He never would have guessed she was this evil, this mean. She's straight-up bat shit psycho. A bitch out of hell. What was even more sickening is the lecherous gaze she kept on him like a libidinous teenager.


"Why?" She asked, the resentment in her voice didn't go unnoticed and he flinched from the sound of her voice. "Because you're mine, you belong with me, I own you!" 

"No, you don't!" He fired back. "I don't belong to you, I never have!" His eyes burn from the tears brimming within.

"Your heart, body, all of you, I kept for myself..." She seethed and Dylon saw something dark flicker within her eyes.

"You need help, Vera, go get one... I'm sure your Daddy will pay for it!" He flinched in pain when her hand met his cheek. 

"Fuck you!" She cried. "Don't you get it, you have always belonged to me, you never had any problems with it until He showed up. He ruined you for me. He ruined all our lives. He took my happiness from me and if it weren't for him, none of this would have happened!" 

"What are you even talking about?" Dylon asked incredulously, now more confused than he was before. She has indeed been obsessing over him since he could remember but they never had anything until he ran into her arms when he tried to push Louis away. They were never in a relationship, not one that would lead her to go as crazy as she is right now.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about, you brought that sick child and his mother into our home. His mother, I would have taken care of as always but that boy from day one had proven to be nothing but a thorn in my flesh, digging deeply into my skin that I could never reach, plug it out and break it and it was all your fault!" 

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