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Ariana left Minnie and Leo making some block towers. "Just going to go check on daddy you two i'll be back in a minute" She kisses both their heads walking upstairs.

"hey handsome how we doing" She gently sat on the bed. "i want snuggling" he pulls her. "babe no. I have the kids" She sighs hating she was refusing him anything right now. "i your baby" he whines "you are my baby" she nodded "i have real bad stomach pains" he pouts. "aww babe... i hate when your sick" She took his hand. "I hate this too"

"mummy" Leo taps on the door "yes angel" Ariana asks "Grandma you" he points "okay mummy be down in a second okay" Ariana smiles making him nod. "want any toast or anything" she asks "can i have some soup" he asks "of course ill bring some up when I find out what Leo is on about"

Ariana walks back downstairs and smiles to Dalton's mum. "Hey" Ariana smiles "hey Ari. Is Dalton okay" she asks confused "he is pretty sick" she picked Leo up. "i thought you were playing with sissy" Ariana asks "She ran away" he pouts. "he said you wanted me" Ariana asks. "I did. I wanted to know If we could plan his birthday together" she asks "sure you can do it alone if you really want. You know im not good at keeping things from him" she giggled.  "you would let me do that" Verna asks "of course your his mum. And that gives me more time with him and my little ones" she smiles kissing Leo's cheek.

"Minnie did you wake her up" Ariana asks "No i promise" she pouts.

"Ariana" Dalton shook her "baby are you okay" she looks at him. "damn you woke up easy" "duh your not well"

"i cold" he whines. Ariana climbed off the bed going to get him a blanket from the closet and walking back to him handing it to him. He pulls her down holding her. "you need sleep not me" she looks at him. "cuddles help me sleep" He pouts. "okay okay" she lays next to him. "come on get comfy" she opens her arms making him smile shuffling into her. Ariana messes with his hair until he fell back asleep. Where she laid awake just watching him sleep for a little while. While just hoping she didn't get sick.

"mummy" Minnie whispers "yes angel" she looks towards her. "Leo got in my bed and he sad" Ariana gently climbs up off the bed going to Minnie's room. "whats wrong baby" Ariana sat next to him.

"i scared in my own room" he sniffs. "why not come get mummy" she asks "daddy not well"  he climbs into her lap. "im your mummy Leo. If you need me i will be there" 

"sissy keep me safe" he pouts. "she will but she knows mummy and daddy need to know these things"

"daddy" Minnie smiles "Hey baby" he smiles "mummy?" he asks "Cleaning" Leo smiles eating some chocolate. "you better daddy" Minnie asks "I am sleep helps" he smiles "not 100% though" he pouts.

"i thought i heard you" Ariana smiles "since when were you into cleaning" he asks "since being a mother meant the house is always untidy and you refuse to let me have w cleaner because you don't trust them" she pouts. "you can have a cleaner if you really want to." he pouts "no fighting" Leo points his little finger. "were not baby" Dalton picks him up. "we never fight" Ariana rubs his back. "yes do" he giggles wiggling out of his arms and walking away.

"he wants his chocolate more" Ariana chuckles. "he does food over cuddles" "how you feeling" Ariana asks "better and i missed my kids and you" he kisses her head.

"daddy missed me" Minnie stands up on the sofa "I did and don't give me a heart attack with standing on things i have enough of that with short bum over there" he looks to Ariana making Minnie giggle holding on to him. "good job you two are cute" Ariana rolls her eyes

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