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"its 11pm who wants me" Frankie pouts climbing off the bed and opening the door. "is she in here" Dalton asks "mhm" he nodded. "UGH frankie you won again" she groans. "told you you can never beat me" he states. "also your husband is here" Frankie looks at her. Ariana climbs off the bed walking to the door.

"i'm sorry" he pouted. "im sorry too" she looks up to him wrapping her arms around him. "i love you" He kisses her head. "I love you too" she smiles. "okay im going to go back to the kids" he tells her. "okay bye" Ariana shuts the door jumping back onto her brothers bed.

"you not going with him" Frankie asks confused. "no i never see you no more and im having fun"

Ariana creeps into her mums room and roots for her hotel room key. "Ariana what are you doing" Joan asks confused. "i miss my husband" she pouted. "its the one on the side there" Joan tells her making Ariana pick it up and go to her room.

Ariana opens the door and creeps into bed next to Dalton. "mmm Ari" he mumbles. "shh" she snuggled into his side falling to sleep.

Dalton woke up and chuckles at his wife holding onto him. "babe" he taps her making her whine "i want more sleep" she mumbles "its 11am" he chuckles. "WHAT!" she screams "where the kids" she asks "your mum probably took them" "i had the hotel room key" she panics. "its okay your mum has them she left a note" he kisses her head.

"that means we get more sleep" she pouts "fine" he stands up with her in his arms. He looks at his phone and sees they were all in Frankie's room making him carry her to there.

"Joan can you make your daughter wake up she wont stay awake" he pouts. "Ariana" Joan chuckles. "Nooooooo" Ariana grips him tighter. "ill stay away but i aint moving from you" she pouts.

"hi daddy" Minnie smiles. "hi mummy" she smiles climbing on Ariana. "you good now" she asks "mhm we are" she smiles giving her a kiss.

"how did you even get back into the room" Frankie asks "i woke mum up for the key" She giggles. "I missed my man i wanted to cuddle him." "so did you talk it out" Hale asks "when she came in bed. she told me to shut the ... up and climbed on me falling to sleep" He rolls his eyes.

"can i have daddy now" Minnie asks making Ariana shake her head. "babe don't make her cry" Dalton sighs "i want my baby" she whines. "but but but" Minnie's bottom lips wobbles making Dalton lift Ariana next to him picking Minnie up. Minnie sticks her tongue out to Ariana making Him stand up "no one is having me" he walks over to Leo.

"he really does have hard task in this household" Frankie laughs "thank you" Dalton smiles. "what he gets for having two girls isnt it" Ariana looks at Minnie making her nod her head giggling. "is this why your not having another" He asks making Ariana and Dalton look at each other shrugging.

"no time to do it anymore anyway" Dalton claps as Leo put a block in a hole. "babe shut up"

Frankie opens the hotel door and Dalton looks up. "i seriously need to steal the key off you all" He rolls his eyes rubbing Minnie's back who was having a cuddle with him. "you okay" Dalton asks "This is cute" he smiles. "she like to do this when she is a little sad" he smiles. "did you get nervous when you married Ariana" He asks "yes" he nodded. "of course I was nervous. Its okay to have your doubts about these things." he smiles. "marrying your sister was one of the best days of my life" he smiles seeing Minnie was fast asleep. "i dont want to end up arguing like how you guys did"

"Frankie. We never argue like that ever. I annoy her a lot but she still loves me." "i do" Ariana mumbles. "your awake" Dalton asks "Mhm Frankie sat on my foot" she opens her eyes. "Frankie stop being a dick and go sleep and when you marry your man youll be like yay im so glad i did this" "mummy bad word" Minnie gasps "oh your awake im sorry" Ariana looks at her. "also why are you sad baby" Ariana pouts "i scared" Minnie mumbles. "and daddy awake to give me cuddles" she smiles. "daddy is good at cuddles isnt he" Ariana agrees "go to sleep frankie" Minnie states. "ugh okay"

"daddy needs to use the toilet can you cuddle mummy" he asks making her nod climbing into her arms. Minnie stands up making Ariana look at her. "You okay" Ariana asks taking her hand. "blanky" she asks confused. "there" Ariana points to the floor making Minnie climb off and pick it up climbing next to Ariana for snuggles. "i sorry i always cuddle daddy and not you" Minnie mumbles. "its okay princess. I love daddy's cuddles too. They make me happy" she smiles. "i love your cuddles too" she smiles "i know"

"babe how long does it take you to pee" Ariana asks "long enough" he replies making Ariana giggle.

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