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Dalton woke up rolling over and smiling at his small baby boy laying next to him before looking up slightly to see a naked wife looking for something to wear. "i could get used to this" he mumbles smiling at her making her let out a scream covering herself.

"no need to cover yourself seen that booty plenty of times" he winks at her "lucky shit gets to see it when he wants for the rest of his life" she looks at him putting on some underwear. "am i fat" she asks "no" He shook his head. "I hate this baby weight" she huffs. "1 more week baby" he climbs off the bed going to give her a hug. "then you get your skinny queen back" she smiles "you could be bigger and i would still love you to piece but as long as your happy in your self i dont care what you do" he smiles picking her up. "Leo is watching us" Ariana smiles. "cutie" Dalton looks.

"i an your queen right?" Ariana doubts her self. "Yes of course." he nodded "you having an insecure day" he asks making her nod. "oh baby" He grabs a top putting it over her head. "ill just give kisses and cuddles today less of the touchiness" he smiles grabbing some sweatpants. "thank you" she smiles.

"no problem. I want you to be happy and i know from previous occasions you have had this i know you just like to be snuggly with me and thats okay i like when you are like that" he smiles picking up Leo who was kicking his legs getting grumpy since he wanted cuddles.

Minnie walks into the bedroom with a juice box and Ariana and Dalton look at her. "good morning" They smile. "morning" She smiles walking over to them. "Scooter is here mummy" Minnie adds making Ariana nod. "she came in so relax and slow for someone being here" Dalton chuckles following them all down the stairs.

Scooter rushes over to Dalton taking the baby boy for a cuddle. "he stole my son" he pouts making Ariana laugh. "you can have a daughter instead" she smiles as Minnie raises her arms at him.

Dalton picks Minnie up and she smiles. "love you" she kisses his cheek. "love you too" he smiles.

"how you feeling about tonight" Scooter asks "I have baby brain still its going to be a blur" Ariana chuckles picking up Minnie's blanket from the floor and holding it since it needed a wash. "mummy no" Minnie whines holding her hand out for it. "no baby mummy needs to wash it. I will have it washed and dried for bedtime" she promises making her nod wiping her eyes.

"he is so snuggly" Scooter smiles "he is" Ariana agrees. "He loves his cuddles." Dalton smiles.

"babe you back on birth control already" Dalton asks "no" She shakes her head. "ive just given birth not the first things thats on my mind" she giggles. "well you have some medication here for you" he hands her the packet. "its just vitamins" she smiles making him nod.

"hows Leo doing" He asks "asleep in my arms while i do all this stuff for work" Ariana smiles looking down at him. "did he fall asleep on the boob" he asks "no he didn't today." she shook her head making him smile Dalton gently picks him up from her arms making Ariana pout. "i want him back" she whines. "you have to go pick Minnie up soon" Ariana looks at him.

"yay" he cheers.

"hey babe when did you last feed him" Dalton asks trying to comfort a screaming baby boy. "an hour ago. Have you done his nappy" Ariana asks "mhm he is all clean" he pouts. "want to try feeding him or not" he asks handing him to her. Ariana lifts up her top and Leo pushes her away.

Ariana grabs his blanket from next to her gently wrapping it around him calming him down a little. "hey its okay little one mummy is here. Mummy make you better" Ariana gently rubbing the blanket against him warming him up slightly. "aww my baby was cold." Dalton frowns. "or he just wanted his comfort" Ariana shrugs resting him on her shoulder to have a look around the place. Leo rests his head on her shoulder and smiles. "his smile" Dalton smile. "he has your smile. I fell in love with that smile"

"i thought you fell in love with how tall i was" He asks confused. "who the fuck did you ask" Ariana asks "Victoria" He pouts. "Im tiny anyone would be taller than me. I loved your eyes and your smile. It made me warm inside" Ariana smiles looking into his eyes. "i fell in love with your ass" he joked making her roll her eyes. "joking you stuck your tongue out at me goofing around joking about something and it make me smile and i saw a different side of you" he smiles leaning to give her a kiss.

"do you remember the first time you told me you loved me" Dalton asks taking her hand under the sheets. "mhm i do" she nodded. "we were sad because we had to have a few days away and you walked away i called you back and i told you i loved you" Ariana smiles making him smile. "and you didnr say it back" she hits him.

"hey i didn't want to say it just to make you happy in that moment when at the time i wasn't head over heels for you. I wanted it to be special" he smiles kissing her "ohh you made it special alright" she nodded with a huge grin.

"we said love you a lot but the I changed it so much" he smiles. "it sure did"

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