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Ariana opens her eyes and Minnie falls onto her. "you finally woke up" She giggles. "its 8am your acting like its noon" Ariana holds her. "you missed a call from Daddy" she adds making Ariana reach for her phone and pull up his name. Dalton answers after a few rings. "good morning" Ariana mumbles. "morning daddy" Minnie beams. "ugh of course he wants to FaceTime this ugly one in the morning" she rolls her eyes accepting the FaceTime request. "dont be silly mummy beautiful" Minnie kisses her cheek.

"How is everything" Ariana asks "still waiting on results. Everyone is asleep right now but me but i guess babies make me wake up early" He smiles "this one kicked me all through the night can i have you back" Ariana asks "hey mummy don't be mean" Minnie pouts. "i'm joking but seriously your a wiggle bum in your sleep" 

"soon baby soon" Dalton tells her "daddy" Minnie looks at the screen again. "yes angel" He asks "mummy wants a baby" She tells him. "Okay me and mummy will talk about it when I get home" He smiles at her. "okay she sad me go pee pee" she jumps off the bed. "one second baby I hear Leo" Ariana placed the phone down going to get her boy from his bed letting him crawl behind her to her room as she climbed back into bed.

"he a tired boy"

After Ariana finished doing some job around the house she went to find her babies who got bored and decided to go play. "hey angels" Ariana smiles. "Hi mummy" Minnie smiles "is he asleep" Ariana asks confused on why he hadn't moved. Leo pushes him self up and Ariana smiles. "were playing games mummy. Im the best big sister" She smiles. "oh wow" Ariana smiles sitting down. Leo crawls over to her sitting in her lap. Ariana looks down at him and let a tear slip. "mummy no cry" Minnie frowns. "He is growing up too fast" she pouts. "it will be okay mummy" she shuffled next to her. "should i order icecream for us all and we can bake cookies after" Ariana suggests making them both nod.

"lets go change your bum too" she helps him stand up. Leo follows her falling over a few times but every time Ariana would stop snd let him stand back up so he wouldn't get upset. Ariana gets to his changing table and lifts him up. "dada?" he asks "daddy not here right now baby he be back soon" she kisses his belly making him giggle.

"all clean" Ariana tickles him standing him up cuddling him. "lets go fine mummy's phone so i can get us some ice-cream" she lifts him up to place him down. Leo walks to the stairs and stops. Ariana smiles helping him down.

"clever boy" she smiles letting him run around. Ariana finds her phone on the side and orders their favourite ice cream.

"MUMMY" Minnie screams "what" Ariana asks "i have a wobbly tooth mummy" Minnie opens her mouth. "oh wow baby" Ariana smiles. "don't mess with it baby it will hurt" Ariana tells her making her nod "me still have cookies" she asks "mhm of course"

"go find your brother for me" Ariana asks "he is on the sofa" Minnie smiles making Ariana look at him. "hi cheeky"

Ariana looks down at her phone and opens her baby's message.

Dalton: Its going to he a few more days. He isn't good. xxx i love u and the kids hope you all are okay. xxx

Ariana: It's fine baby, take as long as you need. xxx i love you too xxx

"mummy you talking to daddy?" Minnie asks "can you tell" Ariana asks making her nod "your smiling." "one day you'll feel like this" ariana smiles "daddy said no boys ever!" Minnie pouts. "no boys till you understand things okay?" making her nod.

Dalton: You sure baby. I can come home if you need me to help out? xxxx

Ariana: Everything is fine baby. Were all good. I promise xx

"ICE CREWM" Minnie cheers hearing the door open. "The delivery man/ woman wont have a key baby" Ariana tells her "Hi mum" she smiles. "Hi any news" She asks "he isnt looking good. He is messaging me now" Ariana pouts taking Leo who wanted picking up. "why doesn't he have pants on" Joan asks "he just took then off were at that stage now" Ariana smiles. "now that must be your ice cream" Ariana goes to the door and takes the ice cream before sitting her babies down. "if you want to eat it you have to sit still" Ariana tells Minnie making her nod. Ariana placed Leo into his highchair and handed him his little pot.

Minnie takes the bowl of Leo and Ariana looks at her. "We take turns in this house" Ariana hands it back to Leo. "He is taking forever" she huffs. "He is a baby Minnie" Ariana tells her. "a stupid baby"

"HEY" Ariana shouts. "no one in this house says the word stupid its not a nice word" Ariana tells her "i dont want to make cookies no more" Minnie walks away making Ariana roll her eyes. Leo pushes Ariana the bowl and she smiles mixing it up before placing them onto the tray in balls. "lets wash these hands now and then i can go sort your sister out" She carries him to the tap and helps him wash his hands.

Ariana placed the cookies to cook while she went to find Minnie. "that didnt mean go take my phone" Ariana tells her taking it off her hanging up and looking at her. "I want daddy back" Minnie huffs. "daddy is with family" "daddy is my daddy not their daddy and not yours, he is mine!" "and you have to be mean to me because he isnt here" Ariana asks making her nod.

"no Minnie. Im your mother. I woke up at 2am with you to feed you when you cried" "daddy did that mummy" Minnie says "wow daddy produced Milk now" she asks confused. "You fed from me Princess. You were in my tummy for 9 months. I pushed you out of me not for you to be mean because your dad isnt here." Ariana tells her. "daddy do anything" "daddy changed your bum and fed you sometimes when i was too tired. He bathed you and cuddled you. We both love you baby" Ariana hugs her. "im sorry mummy" she gives her a kiss. "i miss daddy im sorry" "i miss him too"

"i thought i came from here" Minnie points to her belly button" "who told you that" Ariana asks "Harry from school. He said you bleed too" Minnie asks "did i hurt you mummy" "no baby you didnt hurt me" Ariana pouts. "good mummy" "i love you okay daddy will be home as soon as he can" Ariana kisses her head. "im sorry mummy"

"lets go recuse the cookies" Ariana takes her hand. "can i still have some" She asks "of course" Ariana smiles.

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