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Ariana hears a knock at the door around 3am in the morning making her groan. She say up from the bed and put on a hoodie since she was half naked. She walked to the door opening it. Since it was 3am and she thought it was family. She found a guy stood there with some flowers. "i thought i would find you hear" Ariana slammed the door running back to the bed jumping on Dalton. "babe there a creepy man here with flowers for me" She shakes him frantically. "okay okay go in the bedroom with the kids ill get rid" Dalton pouts climbing off the bed. Ariana goes and climbs into bed with Minnie holding her.

Dalton opened the door and found Frankie on top of the guy. "I mean you could have just dragged him out" Dalton chuckles shutting the door behind him. "I heard your door slam then saw this guy outside guessed you didn't know him" Frankie asks making Dalton nod going to get security.

"you locked yourself out you know" Frankie laughs. "I know. Don't even have my phone to call her she wont come answer the door now" he whines.

Ariana climbed off the bed around 10 minutes after scared that her husband was hurt since he hadn't come back yet to tell her everything was going to he okay. Since Ariana was high profile they were used to stalkers. Dalton always told her not to open doors early hours without him but she always just forgot. To her she was just a normal mother with a family and a loving husband. She often forgot she had a massive following.

Ariana peeped through the peep hole which she probably should have done in the first place and pouted as she couldn't see nothing. She opened the door again and slowly peeps out and smiles as she sees her man walking back to the room from Frankie's room.

"oh yay shes going to let me in" Dalton smiles. He walks up to her piking her up carrying her over to the bed. "what have i told you about opening the door to strangers" he asks rubbing her back taking off the hoodie. "I thought it was family" she pouted. "I'm sorry." She holds onto him. Dalton kisses her her lightly holding her. "you okay though" he asks "Mhm. I have you" she mumbles. "you protect me"

"come on lets get back into bed" He lays down on his back Ariana rolls off him taking off the hoodie. "some guy got to eye up my wife's legs at 3am stupid stalkers" he huffs pulling the sheets over her. "I have good legs don't i" She rolls her eyes. "everything about you is just perfect" he smiles tucking her into his arms. "you smell of Frankie" Ariana giggles. "I did just have to drag him off the man" He rolls his eyes. Ariana sits up grabbing his spray spraying some on him. "better" he asks "mhm" She nodded cuddling back into him.

They could sleep not even attached to each other and would still wake up tangled so they never really tried anymore. They just sort of merged together when they slept.

Verna opens their hotel door and Minnie shushes her making her looks up at the bed when the happy couple were still sleeping. "come on lets go get you and Leo breakfast and let mummy and daddy sleep" She suggests making Minnie nod. Verna writes a note and sends them both a text hoping they wouldn't freak when they did wake up.

"Ive just seen the cutest thing" She smiles as she arrived back at the table. "they still sleeping" Joan asks "yeah" She nodded. "Guess the stalker freaked her out a little. She is tucked in his arms" She smiles. "they always like that" Minnie smiles. "mummy always tucked in daddy arms." she smiles "they love each other"

"they sure do"

Ariana mumbles shuffling herself around before opening her eyes. She gently reached to her phone and noticed she had a message from Dalton's mum saying they had the kids.  Ariana smiles rolling over to her husband and giving him kisses. "good morning" He smiles holding her. "your mum took the kids to breakfast" She smiles. "we slept late then" he asks making her nod.

"but were alone" she rolls on top of him. "mmm we are" He rubs her back leading down to her butt. "you want to" he asks making her nod "mmm i do" She nodded.

"good afternoon" Joan smiles as they walk into the room. "Hi mummy" Minnie beams "Hi daddy" she ran over to them both. They both bend down hugging their princess waiting for little Leo to toddle over. "Ariana can I borrow you now" Tori asks "Victoria leave the woman be for a minute shes hugging her children" Verna tells her. "can i go speak with your favourite auntie or not" Ariana asks Minnie "only if i get a kiss first" Minnie asks making Ariana give her plenty of kisses. "thank you mummy" she smiles going to sit on Frankie's knee.

"come on" Ariana smiles. "Why didn't i get asked I was okay with this" Dalton pouts. "because your not 4" she replies from the distance. Ariana grabs a test out her bag and hands it to her. "do you carry one everywhere" She asks "sometimes. im married you never know what could happen" Ariana smiles.

"I miss him you know" Tori giggles. "who your boy" Ariana asks sitting on the bed. "yes he only came for the first day then left. Its weird not having him around" she giggles coming back out the bathroom placing the test on the side.

"is it not weird when your away from Dalton" She asks "mhm very weird. We argued a couple of weeks ago and he wouldn't sleep in the same bed as me and i went and cried on the guest bed to him because I missed him" she pouted.

"thats cute though." She smiles. "speaking of who is messaging me right now" Ariana smiles. "what he saying" Tori asks "Come back Leo is driving me crazy" Ariana chuckles "how do you feel about Minnie starting school" she asks "scary. Shes growing up to fast. Shes not going to be running around my feet all the time" Ariana pouts. "But we said if she hates it that much we will homeschool her. That was out agreement." She smiles "Its time too" She points to the test.

Tori picks it up and smiles. "Im pregnant" She smiles. "I guess congratulation" Ariana smiles giving her a hug. "can you get pregnant too so we can have the baby together" she jokes. "dont bring that up to Dalton he will want to try. He really wants another" Ariana giggles. "you don't" she asks "i thought you wanted 3"

"I do but Leo is 1 and a school baby too. Im enjoying things right now. I want to wait at least another year if we do" Ariana smiles. "so when your 33" she asks "yes and there is nothing wrong with that" Ariana pouts.

Ariana and Tori both walk back to Joan's hotel room and Leo ran for his mummy. "you can't half tell who he likes more" Dakota laughs. "He is having a mummy day. Tomorrow will be a daddy day i bet"

book 3 with teens or carry on book 2

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